Urgent: Keep Mustangs in Sanctuary

The WY14™ Herd was rescued back from the Canadian Slaughterhouse yard and needs your help to live in grassroots supported sanctuary on 300 rented bio-diverse acres for $2,500 a month.
Now that we are officially a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we are looking for grants to
cover preservation program costs like this until the Eco-Sanctuary is ready. Meanwhile the WY14™ need your help through crowd-funding to stay in the rented Eco-Pasture.
Please share the WY14™ Herd's fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/MustangPasture9-16

GFM/FG takes about 10% in processing fees so the total is $2,750. All the money raised here goes to pay for a month of rented eco-pasture for their sanctuary. We are 100% volunteer--no salaries, no directors are paid. We do this to cut costs so all the money raised goes directly to program costs like this.
Please help the slaughterhouse survivors with a tax-deductible donation so they can stay on the 300 acres in September and continue to heal from the trauma of the roundup and loss of their home forever.
The WY14™ Herd is very grateful their friends are helping them. They send you their love and blessings.
With loving kindness,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
501c3 Non-Profit Organization TAX ID: 464516347
Mission: The American Wild Horse Institute is devoted to the education and preservation of American wild horses.
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705

Anne Novak
Berkeley, CA
American Wild Horse Institute