Niue Yacht Club Moorings Fund
Fakaalofa atu
2016 is Silver Anniversary of Niue Yacht club.
The club is reaching out to past members/visitors and friends of the Niue Yacht Club to assist in raising much needed funds for mooring work.
A special 'Anniversary Membership Card' is available with donations of $50 or more...
The NYC Committee is a small band of volunteers that provide services to visiting yachties. None own a yacht!
Club mooring fees and membership subscriptions have not kept up with increased costs and for the NYC to continue to offer a high quality service to visiting sailors we are seeking help from our friends, worldwide. Niue’s port is an open roadstead, and subjects our moorings to the sea and its relentless punishment of our equipment. Our “ GoFundMe" campaign focus is for Mooring repairs and upgrades.
This year the Club has been active in obtaining outside funds and has been supported by the Niue Tourism Office and the Chamber of Commerce. They have provided 75% of the cost of an 18hp electric start outboard motor for our mooring field workboat. A webcam has also been placed overlooking the wharf and sends images of the current sea state back to the WWW.NYC.NU website.
How will Funds be Spent?
Note the depths our moorings are in. Its hard work and can be dangerous for divers. Inner line 15 to 20 meters deep. Outer line 28 to 36 meters. The crews that come through here cannot believe the depth these moorings are in and the work involved.
The Yacht Club Management Committee have set the following budget priorities for the 2017 cruising season.
To restore the field to a capacity of 20 moorings.
This will involve
: reinstating 3 mooring blocks displaced by storm damage.
: moving 2 current North moorings to the Southern part of the field.
Increase holding capacity of 2 current moorings
: by replacing the current 24 mm polyester line with 35mm plaited polyester line.
: place an additional 3 tonnes of concrete block, chained together with the existing 2 x 3 tonne already on the seabed.
: replace pickup buoy with a heavier duty and distinctive float.
Inspect, and replace existing mooring lines and buoys.
Onshore washroom facilities with solar heated water for showering.
: Repair/replace, the water solar heating panel system.
: Replace a section of the roof.
: Replace two exterior doors to the two units.
This replacement is done by volunteers on Niue. 100% of funds go to materials and the installation costs of moorings.
Our 'wish list budget' for 2017 was close to $18,000. If we exceed our 'Mooring' goal of $10500 funds will assist in washroom and build up our reserves for storm damage events requiring mooring replacement or bath house repairs.
You can help.
If you have visited Niue then you know the effort the committee puts in to provide services. All on a volunteer basis. This is a way to help the club and make the next persons visit, safe and memorable.
How can you help?
Pass the word around of our funding request.
Yachties that follow will be thankful that with the help of locals and overseas supporters their stay on Niue will be safe and fun.
Membership Card Reward
To thank those donating we are offering a Anniversary Edition Membership Card.
**** Cards will be printed and mailed out of USA within a few days of your donation.**** If you have donation larger than $200 we will wait several days to see if we recieve a photo to be added. If you want a passport image of yourself on card please remember to send image via our HelpDesk/Contact page. ****
Every donation will help us replace moorings this year. If you can only donate a few dollars please do.
You do not have to use the pre-set amount options. Example if you donate $100 then you will receive the 2 year membership card.
*Note for > $200 donations.
- 5 year membership card for donations over $200 with expiry date of 1/1/2022. This card will have your name and if you supply a photo we will add it to bottom right of card. Photo can be supplied via 'HelpDesk' ticket system via our secure 'Contact' area on our website.
- In SUBJECT field of ticket put your NAME AS IT APPEARS on Go Fund Me donation page, EVEN if it is not the one you wish to be printed on card!
- Name you want printed on card.*
- Postal address.
- The photo you want on card if you donated over $200. Passport size/type image should work.
- The amount you donated.
** NIUE mailing. For those of you on Niue please use New Zealand with Province as Niue.
$$$$$ Kevin is operating GFM Campaign for NYC from his home in NC USA. He was Commodore and Founding Member of NYC. Kevin has managed the NYC website since the beginning. Funds you donate will be withdrawn by Kevin from his bank account to either pay suppliers directly as instructed by NYC Committee or send funds to NYC bank account on Niue. Kevin and Carrie have managed a NYC bank account and PayPal account in the USA for 15 years for NYC to cover overseas membership and burgee purchases. You know your funds are in safe hands. If you have any questions you can contact Keith or myself via our website and our HelpDesk.
Thanks for your support.
The NYC Committee
* Please note, one volunteer will be doing membership cards. If you see a lot of donations please be patient as we get through them.
** After campaign ends Membership cards should be available. They will start at a 2 year card. Membership cost including card and postage, $TBD.
"The Biggest Little Yacht Club In The World!"
website ~ www.NYC.NU
facebook ~ www.facebook.com/nyc.nu/