Offerings Humanitarian Network
Offerings Global Humanitarian Social Network is 'The Social Network of Charities & Compassion'.
This Network has the potential to be just as big as Facebook, Craigslist, Uber, or any online social network out there.
We are supporting ALL charities and ALL people everywhere. So, when you support our team, you are supporting EVERYONE. We are using a Mobile and Web-Based App to connect people and get them the help they need. We are also encouraging and empowering people to help others! We are lightening the load of a few, by becoming many!
If we want a better world, then we have to start helping each other. It's time to get busy! Too many people are suffering needlessly in too many ways, and we all have the power to make that stop. Things have to get better.
Offerings knows a way!
The Growing Structure Is Powerful:
• Online Platforms to help people connect via Mobile and Web-Based Applications.
• A Resource Directory that helps people find local Community Organizations that can help.
• Preventive Measure links, blogs and videos.
• A Book/Workbook/Guide to help train small groups and empower individuals.
• A Documentary Series Project
• The Outreach Ministry & Missions Field
Check out our website at www.OfferingsNetwork.org
The Founder of Offerings GHSN, Kerri Freeman, has been a Writer, Journalist and Television Producer for many years. We already have an established production company, and will be creating a documentary series named "One Step Away" (similar to Mike Rowe's reality projects!) This project is to help bring awareness to our mission and to help fund the operation. The series will showcase how we all can be just 'one step away' from success or complete catastrophe in our lives, and the many stories of how difficulties struck amazing people, and how they got in the tough positions they are/were in. It will also celebrate the success stories and how success can be just 'one step away' as well! We will pick people who have had hard times, and people who have blessed others, and surprise them with amazing gifts they would most desire!
There is also talk of an Annual Live Fundraising Telethon, similar to the Jerry Lee Lewis Variety Shows back-in-the-day! The telethon would be held in a major epicenter of entertainment and production, smack dab in the middle of the United States, Branson Missouri, and broadcast live via many broadcasting platforms! Kerri Freeman; Founder/CEO of Offerings GHSN and Success IP Imaging and Production Studios
"We will go city-by-city, state-by-state, then country-by-country setting this up. We will implement strong teams to support the process in each area, and then have telephone and web support from headquarters to help our teams globally. Then one day, we will pass this down to future generations to come. They will need it."
How Our Network Helps:
~We are connecting People with People with all kinds of needs, large and small. Someone may need something as simple as a ride to an appointment or a car repair. Others may need food or shelter. Some may simply need a babysitter or companionship. These people would sign into their Offerings Online Account and enter their need into the search bar. They would then see a list of people who offer those things in their area and contact them.
~Our System makes it much easier for Community Organizations and Churches to help local people. The Application and Directory helps them find resources for the people who come to them for help. The sole expectation will no longer fall on them alone and what limited resources they may have. Now there will be more people from the community to help the community!
~Churches and people love small groups! I have sat in many enjoyable Bible studies and house groups myself! There is an Offerings Book and Workbook that will be used in study groups, and a guide manual to help these groups start an outreach together! The potential and blessings here are limitless! There are babies in nicu units that need to be held, prayed over, and sung to. People in care centers that needs a break from staring at the wall all alone for days on end. Children that would love to come to church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Reach out to them! Start a ministry with Offerings!
~The Resource Directory and Preventative Measures offer individuals the tools they need to find all the resources in their area to stay out of crisis, get out of crisis, and prevent future hardships. This will be all the non-profit organizations in their area that can help them with everything from schooling, job search, medical care, emotional health, stopping smoking and healthy lifestyle connections. The support here is endless. We will have a blog, and post videos and articles on our site to help with things like this. Life struggles. Answers! All here on this one site.
~This data base can also be used as a fast and effective tool for disaster relief. This alone is huge.
Our Concern:
Community organizations and churches are having a difficult time meeting all of the need. Too many families and individuals are falling through the cracks of the current systems and are in serious desperate times. This affects the individual, which affects the families, which affects the well-being of the community. The domino effect is astounding, if you really think about it, and honestly affects the health of humanity as a whole. Children are going to school hungry. Parents are petrified that they will have their families living in a shelter before long. Folks don't have food or prescriptions to sustain their health and even their very life. If you take a look at crime, drug use, child abuse and health issues alone, a common denominator in many cases, is stress caused by lack of basic needs. People are suffering needlessly. Losing everything. Lonely. Scared. Hurting. Desperate.
There are people everywhere that can help.
"Just think of all the amazing feats for humanity that could be accomplished if people were given a chance to develop themselves and share their brilliance, rather than just merely survive."
~Kerri Freeman; Founder/CEO of Offerings GHSN
We aim to bring "The Village" mentality back, bigger and better than ever, in order to improve the welfare of all people. Social separation and most current cultural habits are not sustainable. We are harming people as well as this planet. "It takes a village" is a good mind-set we believe needs to return, to turn the things around that we are all concerned about. We are concerned for the welfare of all, to include people, animals and the earth. Our mission is to make it easier to connect the people of "the village", to lessen individual suffering, and to instill better ways to sustainability and happiness. In turn, this will inspire healthier communities and a much better world for our children to be a part of!
Helping each other is a powerful life-force in human sustainability, and the return of strong community thinking is needed to empower us all. Put into action, it can change the condition of this world and set the stage for a success-filled future for all of us. Together IS better! It begins inside you and me. It begins with desire to stop unnecessary pain and strife, and the willingness to give just a little of ourselves to see good things happen all around us! This feels good for all!
"After years of working in ministry and with humanitarian outreaches, it became obvious that there was one major thing keeping people from getting the emotional, financial, and situational help they needed. Organization."
~Kerri Freeman; Founder/CEO of Offerings GHSN
We have found that there are many needs, yes, but there are just as many people who want to help others who simply do not know how. Perhaps they do not have money to offer an organization, but they do have a skill, time, or resource that they would like to share. Maybe some folks are uncertain of what they have to offer others of themselves? Honestly, I have met a lot of people who feel useless and would really like to find a purpose. Purpose is a driving force! Well, we can help them in their personal growth and help them figure out their gifts! That is a part of our Offerings Book and Self-Discovery Workbook! There is something here at Offerings for everyone!
Most every person on this planet has something to offer another, and nearly every person will need someone, sometime in their life... We are here to help that process.
Because sometimes it takes just one move on someone's behalf, to change the course of their life.
Be The Answered Prayer..
The Network:
We are developing a Social Network that utilizes a website and phone application, designed specifically to make connecting people with 'Needs and Offerings' easy. It has become difficult for community organizations to meet so many needs, and nearly impossible for people to get a need met. People are losing their homes, health, and even lives, because of things that could have easily been taken care of, had we only known how to handle things more efficiently. Something as simple as a car repair or a ride to the doctor can completely change and sustain a life. We believe that an organizational tool, that helps connect people, needs to be put in place to make tough times easier for everyone.
How it Works:
The Social Network connections are made from your Smartphone or PC. You log in and find someone in your community offering their availability to you, for whatever it is that you need help with. You have a need, just log in, search it, and connect! If you have an offering, log-in and post it!
The eye-opening, community-strengthening book, and self-discovery workbook educates, encourages, and builds people up as individuals in their strengths and abilities. The book opens the eyes and the hearts of the reader, while the workbook promotes personal growth giving them the confidence and direction to go make a difference and feel the joy of helping others!
The Offerings Book and Workbook is also written to assist, assemble, and prepare teams, such as Community Organizations and Church Groups! This approach is geared to be an outreach to those who may not have access to a computer, know how to use a computer, or are in need, but physically cannot reach out. We want no one left behind!
How You Can Be Involved - Phase 1 Fundraising:
Because you are willing to carry us financially now, you are contributing to hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, which the Offerings Humanitarian Organization will carry in the very near future! We want to see men, women, and children all over the world get the help that they need! This GoFundMe page is the first step of our fundraising.
You can make donations here at GFM, or you can also go to our webpage and pledge monthly support.
We SO appreciate you and your heart-led support!
• Right off the bat, we need to establish our 501(c)(3) to make it easier on anyone who wants to support us. After the Non-Profit Organization status is in place, we will be able to move forward, in leaps and bounds, with larger donations from crowd-funding and outside support.
• An upgrade in computer equipment and a new network needs to be established to improve efficiency. The basics are needed now, and we will continue to improve upon this as times goes on.
• We currently have operating costs and supplies that we need immediately to keep moving forward.
This is a very time consuming project and we are putting absolutely everything we have into it.
• We are needing to hire Programmers to start building the Mobile Application and Web App.
These are a few ways your donations will immediately be used! Thank you!
Other Volunteer Involvement and Donations are greatly appreciated and welcomed! Since we are all about the community, we would love to involve the community as soon as possible! Please share your thoughts and see how you can get involved!
Monthly Supporters/Investors
Computer Programmers and Consultants
Administrative Support
Legal Assistance
Grant Writers
Organizations Interested in This Project
New Team Members
Suggestions and Ideas
Donate to Thrift Sale
Prayers (Last on the list, but first on our hearts!)
You can email us and connect with the Offerings Team at [email redacted]
Thank you!
I wake up every morning and in my mind’s eye, I literally see a vision of a child’s eyes looking up at me, wondering if help will come to them that day. That keeps me going strong. We cannot get this done fast enough or work any harder to get things done. We need your love and support to make this happen. We need a team of supporters on this mission! Humanity is Calling! Will You Answer?! We did!
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." ~1 Peter 4:10
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ~Mark 10:45
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."~Matthew 25:40
"Love Your Neighbor As Yourself." ~Matthew 22:39
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