One.Education Crowdfunding Campaign
One.Education is a non-profit focused on Sustainability and Education.
As an umbrella organization, we are proud to present our first project: Kids.AI, an operating system for children.
I’m sure many of you remember the initiative One Laptop Per Child from 2005. In 2010 Apple introduced the tablet iPad, which are used by kids billions of hours every year!
But these tablets were not made for kids!
Time has come for kids out there to get there own Operating System, a concept developed by myself and 6 Danish friends during a Singularity University bootcamp in Copenhagen. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU ) is the biggest university in Norway, and according to my assessment after 17 years in higher education, we might very well be the best public university in the world!
We have a marvelous position in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which will allow us to make the best possible Operating System for Kids!
While heavily anchored at NTNU, we invited all parents, grandparents and those who might consider having kids to join us on this quest for improving the lives for billions of kids!
Our first development project is called
netCademy Collaboration Games,
with two teaser screenshots you can see here:
Please support our cause with a $20 donation, preferably a monthly recurring donation.
Your support is important to summon passionate participants from all relevant fields, so that we can reach a self-sustaining critical mass.
We need help with pretty much everything, from fundraising, to making a website, to hosting meetups - you name it. So please donate your time as well!
Read this Research Council of Norway application for funding to learn more about Kids.AI: www.Funding.Kids.AI
We travelled to the Research Council of Norway building in Oslo to make this presentation: www.Deck.Kids.AI
Like our Facebook profile!
Kids.AI website:
One.Education website:
Our email (if you have questions):
[email redacted]cation