A Comfort Dog for Orlando
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The Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) K-9 Comfort Dogs serve every day in the community in which they are placed and are also dispatched in times of disaster and crisis to bring comfort to all those affected. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs were in New York and New Jersey visiting victims of Superstorm Sandy, in Connecticut after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and right here in Orlando in June 2016 and 2017 in response to the mass shooting in Orlando. Now, we have a Comfort Dog placed right here in Orlando.
Trinity Downtown was approved for a Comfort Dog placement, the “Top Dog” team (Wendy and Eric Havens) and Handlers have been approved and trained, and now PEACE Comfort Dog has been placed with Trinity Lutheran Church! We will officially recieve her into service at the Passing of the Vest cermonies at all worship services at Trinity Downtown on June 30 (6pm) and July 1 (8am, 9:30am, 11am).
THANK YOU for helping make this dream a reality! Your prayers, encouragement, donations, and volunteer support have been essential! And we need your ongoing support to sustain this comfort dog ministry! This $7000 goal will support expenses during Peace's first year of service and will allow for a reserve for out of state deployments, interstate travel for visits to Lutheran churches and Peace's regular health and medical care. To keep up to date on this program visit www.TrinityDowntown.com/ComfortDog.
The Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog Ministry has been such a blessing to many people in Orlando already through the teams who have flown in from all over the country during a time of crisis. Through this new placement at Trinity Downtown, in the heart of Orlando, our community will benefit from this special ministry of care and compassion each and every day through visits to hospitals, fire stations, 911 dispatch centers, rehab and senior living centers, schools – anywhere there is a need for care and comfort – in addition to dispatched responses in times of crisis. There is no cost to the recipient for a Comfort Dog visit, and the program is supported completely by donations.
The LCC Comfort Dog Ministry strives to bring the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to thousands of grieving and hurting members of the community. If you have been comforted by this ministry, you understand just how personal and meaningful it can be to a person in need. Having a placement in Orlando allows us to provide that care & comfort to thousands in our local communities as well as regionally! We invite you to support this amazing opportunity we have to love and care for our community. Please donate today! Thank you.
Trinity Downtown was approved for a Comfort Dog placement, the “Top Dog” team (Wendy and Eric Havens) and Handlers have been approved and trained, and now PEACE Comfort Dog has been placed with Trinity Lutheran Church! We will officially recieve her into service at the Passing of the Vest cermonies at all worship services at Trinity Downtown on June 30 (6pm) and July 1 (8am, 9:30am, 11am).
THANK YOU for helping make this dream a reality! Your prayers, encouragement, donations, and volunteer support have been essential! And we need your ongoing support to sustain this comfort dog ministry! This $7000 goal will support expenses during Peace's first year of service and will allow for a reserve for out of state deployments, interstate travel for visits to Lutheran churches and Peace's regular health and medical care. To keep up to date on this program visit www.TrinityDowntown.com/ComfortDog.
The Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog Ministry has been such a blessing to many people in Orlando already through the teams who have flown in from all over the country during a time of crisis. Through this new placement at Trinity Downtown, in the heart of Orlando, our community will benefit from this special ministry of care and compassion each and every day through visits to hospitals, fire stations, 911 dispatch centers, rehab and senior living centers, schools – anywhere there is a need for care and comfort – in addition to dispatched responses in times of crisis. There is no cost to the recipient for a Comfort Dog visit, and the program is supported completely by donations.
The LCC Comfort Dog Ministry strives to bring the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to thousands of grieving and hurting members of the community. If you have been comforted by this ministry, you understand just how personal and meaningful it can be to a person in need. Having a placement in Orlando allows us to provide that care & comfort to thousands in our local communities as well as regionally! We invite you to support this amazing opportunity we have to love and care for our community. Please donate today! Thank you.
Chanda Gillenwater
Orlando, FL
Trinity Downtown (Trinity Lutheran School)