PTSD Survival Fund
I have severe PTSD, and have been unable to work since April 24th.
My company of 21 years denied my short term disability(which covers my pay during time away from work) due to a clause that excludes coverage from injuries suffered during combat in service to the government. Which PTSD is considered, an injury.
I am usually a very private person(PTSD result), but, i look at my rapidly dwindling savings account(which I was lucky to have!) and my bills keep coming... Eventually the VA might start paying me, but they said the claim could take 6 months to a year for that...
In the meantime, I struggle to just go for a walk outside.. going to the store is hit or miss on if I will freak out and need to return home...
It used to be I'd just pass on going out, avoid crowds, but it was managable, until April 24th. I will never forget the day I mentally broke, or maybe finished breaking. I ended up crying, rocking back and forth, unable to do anything but think very dark thoughts.
I then spent 7 days in the VA Mental Health ward (shout out to ward 5c, at VA-Portland, ya'll were amazing and exactly what I needed). I met alot of veterans who were just like me. We were there together, dealing with whatever broke us... In that, they are my brothers and sisters.
I have never dealt fully with this, I've had it since Desert Storm, but now, it has caused me to be almost paralyzed with fear.. Of what? I don't know... I do know this is difficult to write, and more difficult to ask, but I can see no other course, except thru the grace of the lord, but to ask the following question.
Can you help? If nothing else, can you please share this campaign in your circle?
With regards,
Ed Williams
Army Veteran
Photo of me in Desert Storm back in '91(previously stated photo was '87, but I entered service on August 4th '87. Deployed to gulf in Oct 90 thru Mar '91, honorable discharge Aug 3rd '91)