Podhale Animale in Bronze 4 Poland
Donation protected
"Podhale Animale Sculpture Project" fundraising campaign's purpose is to cast the complete set of 35 regional animal sculptures in bronze for a permanent Public Art Installation, Children's Book and Interactive/Educational App - all in the region of my family's roots. A colorfully enchanting region rich with cultural strength and tradition.
Podhale (literally "under the Mountain meadows") is Poland's southernmost region, sometimes referred to as the "Polish highlands". The Podhale is located in the foothills of the Tatra range of the Carpathian mountains. (My parents hometown.)
Animale - just means animals, a play on Polish/English.
The Podhale Animale Pop Up Gallery in Heart of Nowy Targ, Poland:

Current concrete/marble cast series traveling with "Tatra Mountain Resorts" in Slovakia.
Red Fox with a traditional Highlander brooch
Eurasian Squirrel with Highlander sheepskin vest
Common Frog in Highlander pants & traditional dance jumping move
Wild Boar in Highlander Moccassins
Deer with Highlander beaded necklace
Brown Trout with Highlander pattern details
Edible Dormouse with Highlander style braids
Stoat in Highlander leather slippers
Eurasian Lynx in Highlander shirt
Eurasian Eagle-Owl with Highlander cape
Western Capercaillie Grouse with sheperd's axe
Brown Bear playing Highlander gusle (fiddle)
European Wolf in Highlander sheepskin vest
European Zigzag Viper with Highlander details
Raven with Highlander hat pin
Alpine Marmot with Highlander Belt
Wild Hedgehog with Highlander Hat
European Hare with Highlander Bandit Hat
Purpose: "To engage children and adults in Highland culture, nature and heritage through magical interactive art and education, inspiring and motivating environmental awareness, and responsibility."
Prototype - Illustrations by Graphic Artist Sylwia Szyrszen:
Wild Boar in Highlander Moccassins
Red Fox with a traditional Highlander brooch
Alpine Marmot with Highlander Belt
Eurasian Eagle-Owl with Highlander cape
Wild Hedgehog with Highlander Hat
Eurasian Squirrel with Highlander sheepskin vest
Common Frog in Highlander pants
Stoat in Highlander leather slippers
This project is designed to inspire and motivate people of all ages to hike the local Gorce and Tatry mountain trails, and get in touch with regional folklore, culture and animal kingdom. Nowy Targ, Poland, population 34, 000, rests at the base of the Turbacz mountian, which has a National Park shelter/lodge at the top, 4,314 feet - which we have approved for permanent installation!
After a family trip last summer, 3 generations hiking Turbacz ages 2-70, hearing the legends of the Gorale (Highlanders) and delighting in the views, flora and fauna, it became important to me to commemorate my roots, culture, family and to point out the beauty of the region to others by sculpting 35 animals of enchanting Southern Poland.
This life long idea came to fruition by support of my family, friends and by my collaboration with Polish artists and supporters, Michal Batkiewicz, Tomek Gola, Jacek Sowa, Gabriel Szyrszen, Wojciech Wiechec, Agnieszka Rokicka, Sylvia Szyrszen, Kasia Grochowska, Robert Szczachor, Professor Jerzy Stuhr (to name a few) . The project bloomed quickly and the public adores it, especially the children. I've had plenty of media coverage, national and local support - having exhibited at the Cultral Center in Nowy Targ, and successfully opening a Pop-Up Gallery in the main town square of the city!
It will mean the world to me to see this through, and leave this legacy for my family, the youth of today, and the future generations, as Poland is a part of the European Union, recognition of culture is valuable -preservation and celebration needed, not to lose the essence of the people.
Born in America to a richly involved and creative Polish family and community, I grew up with passion and understanding for my heritage, which provided an aesthetic and quality to life that was remarkably recognizable. Culture and art are influences for mankind that provide imagination, motivation and inspiration for better quality production, joy and appreciation of life and living. Without it in our lives, we would have less joy, less awareness, less future. After conquering several misfortunes in my life, having three unsuccessful pregnancies, the decision finally arrived to create something that would last at life time, some way to leave my mark, and here it is! Podhale Animale, conceived in Seattle, born in Nowy Targ to carry on the magnificent spirit and legacy that has always been my foundation.
Majoring in Sculpture and Painting at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, the beginnings of this project were formed. The missing link was the necessity and inspiration - find a need, fill a need. Poland needs this - the Goral Culture it is truly a most vibrantly important entity to the nation, the people and to Europe. Culture and folklore must hold steadfast, otherwise Ikea will rule with perfectly identical mass produced affordable units of art manufactured in China in every town and we'll all be too numb and unispired to notice. Poland has come a long way since past oppression, but individuals and visionaires must still blossom, arise and cause rise to build more future, inspire in turn brighter ideas and bring opportunity and awareness back to the people. Podhale Animale in bronze is not "just a cool way to decorate the top of mountain," it is a symbol that is neutral to the past, present and future. All of the monuments and sculptures are mainly religious or war affiliated. It is time to uplift and honor the aesthetics of the region, and get people looking up and out at the world, the environment, and think in long term survival for future generations, from cultural pride to environmental awareness. The region has a slight vail of "who cares" attitude that was injected by communism, where able people were punished, visionaires killed, this dulled the conceptual understanding of future, on an individual basis as well as environmentally. Resulting with the fact that Poland's cities make up 33 of the 50 most polluted cities in Europe! [Euronews]
Podhale Animale is a tool to educate all that we are connected to all life, plants and animals, and that our decisions matter not only for our survival but all life.

Advocating against smog and trash burning, environmental awareness and hosting lectures, linking with government, organizations, & groups that make a better tomorrow.

Podhale Animale would be truly impacted and honored to receive the support and help to bring this to fruition!

Every donation will receive a personalized thank you card from our team, and each level of donation will receive a concrete cast animal sculpture from the series! Please wave your magic wand at us and bless us with your support, share this with anyone that has a Polish relative, loves animals, culture or art. We thank you deer-ly!
Your impact:
The funds raised will be used for material cost of molds, wax, bronze, labor, book making & printing, technical/computer services for the interactive Podhale Animale App. I am back in Poland creating the final half of the collection, lining up the bronze casting for late Spring installation, ready for the blossoming trail season! Our deadline is November 2018! Please donate now, even $5 will make a difference.
Bronze casting has begun at the ART-STUDIO RZEŻBA ODLEWNICTWO - Michal Batkiewicz in Krakow. With Kasia and Gabi making the molds with help of the studio team and gracious donation of studio use and materials of Mr Batkiewicz, monumental public art installation artist, whom roots are also in the Podhale.
Because I will be an artist in residence during the casting, assisting in the process, this truly is a chance in a lifetime and opportunity that can't be passed up! With the money so far I have successfully installed 7 of the 35 animals.
Kasia with the Fox
Brown Trout
Edible Doormouse
European Viper
Muskrat (An original bronze created and donated by Michal Batkiewicz)
The general prices of the bronze castings:
Red Fox with a traditional Highlander brooch
3500zł - $1000usd
Eurasian Squirrel w/Highlander sheepskin vest
1500zł - $430usd
Common Frog in Highlander pants
1000zł - $285usd
Wild Boar in Highlander Moccassins
4200zł - $1200usd
Deer with Highlander beaded necklace
4600zł - $1300usd
Brown Trout with Highlander details
1000zł - $285usd
Edible Dormouse with Highlander braids
1200zł - $345usd
Stoat in Highlander leather slippers
1000zł - $285usd
Eurasian Lynx in Highlander shirt
3800zł - $1,085usd
Eurasian Eagle-Owl with Highlander cape
3200zł - $915usd
Western Capercaillie Grouse w/sheperd's axe
4700zł - $1345usd
European Wolf in Highlander sheepskin vest
5200zł - $1485usd
European Zigzag Viper w/Highlander details
1000zł - $285usd
Raven with Highlander hat pin
2400zł - $685usd
Alpine Marmot with Highlander Belt
2800zł - $800usd
Wild Hedgehog with Highlander Hat
1500zł - $428usd
European Hare with Highlander Bandit Hat
3800zł - $1085usd
Brown Bear playing Highlander gusle (fiddle)
9000zł - $2570usd
Price for bronze casting 17 (of 35 animals) 71,000zł -$20,313
Sculptures will be installed at the top of the Turbacz mountain - within and around the property of the lodge/shelter, on large log pedestals, with metal informative plaques:
Price for 20 logs: 3500zł - $1000usd
Price for Information Plaques with 'Reklama Fabryka' printing company of Nowy Targ:
510zł - $145usd
(Transporation and installation assisted by locals - video of installation below!)
75,250zł - $21,500
-Illustration and Design: $1000
Our book will contain many stunning illustrations traditionally acurate.
-Research and Writing: $1500
Research and writing will be assited for folklore accuracy.
-Editing: $500
We will have the book professionally edited.
-Printing and Production: $2500
This will cover the cost of our initial print run with enough copies to sell at bookstores in Podhale Region.
-Marketing: $1500
This includes the crowdfunding fee, fiscal sponsorship, isbn #, copyright fee, flyers etc.
24,000zł - $7000
After several meetings and proposals in pencil skirts, March is now scheduled out for the creation of our App! We are working with a local Podhale region company that makes innovative apps and games.
An Interactive - Augmented Reality Game
Real geographical locations become a part of Podhale Animale dream world involving elements of legends, animals participating in landmarks, with sponsors, historically accurate events in special places, information about legends at these locations - in city as well as along the trails leading to the Turbacz - (with expansion capability throughout Podhale), interact and learn facts about the animal and the environment, purchasing items further to feed the animals, local items wild blueberries, strawberries, mushrooms, oscypek, kielbasa, make fire to stay warm, game using chupaga, horses, milking sheep. They cross into reality too - take a picture with the animal, check-in points merit rewards at trail ends!
What is amazing?
This company is now a partner and has the knowledge and experience with EU Funding!
Here is the squirrel, our first 3d model for the app!
COST FOR PODHALE ANIMALE APP: 20,000zł - $5715 one time fee for EU Grant Writing
-professional grant writer whom has never failed to be awarded the funds! We are going to take this route.
For your information:
The Podhale Animale App Project Total is 189,000zł - $54,000 - We are going to find creative ways, sponsors and partnerships to cover these costs pre EU funding. With EU Funding, we will have the costs covered, reimbursed to investors. But for now, we need to generate the 20,000zł ($5,715) to get the ball rolling.
-Total monthlyproduction team cost 27,000zł - $7,715
-First three months for soft release of app: 94,500zł - $27,000
-Six months production to release final product: 189,00zł - $54,000
(2 developers, creative designers 7,000zł monthly per person - 14000zł - $4,000
1 animator 5,000zł - $1500
1 graphic designer 5,000zł - $1500
1 tech assistant, programmer 3,000zł - $850)
All three projects combined = 120,000zł - $34,215
How else you can help?
We need local sponsors and involvement, as the game will include monuments, sites and products.
If you, or if you know of any major companies that would like to be put on the Podhale Animale App Map, in advertising, or have their property be a site to visit for the game, we have an offer to present.
Podhale Animale Rzezba Projekt
Projekt Rzeźb
Celem naszej obecnej kampanii jest zebranie funduszy na projekt w zakres którego będzie wchodziło odlanie w brązie kompletu składającego się z 35 regionalnych zwierząt, druku książeczki dla dzieci oraz edukacyjno-interaktywnej aplikacji. Rzeżby w brązie będą na stałe zainstalowanego w miejscu publicznym. „Zaangażować dzieci młodsze i starsze w poznawanie podhalańskiej natury, kultury i dziedzictwa poprzez magiczną, interaktywną sztukę i edukację” – to nasz cel. Obecnie rzeżby są odlewane w cemencie. Podhale Animale, książeczka dla dzieci, jest ilustrowana przez Sylwię Szyrszeń, która jest świtenym grafikiem.
Projekt nasz został zainspirowany i zaprojektowany z myślą aby motywować ludzi w każdym wieku do wejścia na szlaki wędrowne w Gorcach i Tatrach, do poznania regionalnego folkloru, kultury i lokalnej fauny. Stolica Podhala, Nowy Targ, ok. 34,000 mieszkanców, leży u podnóża Turbacza na którego szczycie, na wysokości 1,100 m znajduje się piękne schronisko Parku Narodowego – tam mamy pozwolenie na instalację naszego projektu.
Zebrane fundusze będą użyte na zakup materiałów potrzebnych do zrobienia form, na wosk i brąz dla rzeżb, na druk książeczki oraz na opłacenie techniczno-komputerowej usługi. Kasia będzie w Polsce już w lutym aby zająć się drugą połową projektu i finałową fazą zdążającą do odlewów w brązie, aby wszystko było gotowe gdy rozkwitną wiosennie łąki i hale, gdy rozwiną się młode liście na drzewach przy szlakach. Termin ostateczny to kwiecień/maj.
Podczas wakacji w lecie 2017 roku, gdy trzy generacje naszej rodziny wspięły się na Turbacz (wiek 2-70 lat), słuchając opowieści o góralach, podziwiając widoki, florę i faunę, Kasia zdała sobie sprawę z tego jak ważne jest utrwalenie korzeni, kultury, rodziny i podkreślenie ważności tego regionu dla innych. Powstał pomysł aby zrobić to poprzez utrwalenie w rzeźbie 35 zwierząt żyjących w lokalnych lasach i górach i przybrać je w akcenty strojów regionalnych.
Projekt rozkwitł szybko i szczególnie dzieci i młodzież podeszły do niego z wielkim entuzjazmem. Wspaniały i przyjęty dużą frekwencją wernisaż w Domu Kultury w Nowym Targu oraz otwarcie pop-up galerii w centrum miasta zapewniło zasięg w mediach oraz dużo lokalnego i ogólnokrajowego poparcia.
Na pewno już wiadomo jak ważny jest ten projekt dla mnie, Kasi, jak ważne jest dojście do postanowionego celu, aby zostawić spuściznę dla mojej rodziny, dzieci i młodzieży dziś i w przyszłości. Dla Polski wchodzącej w skład Unii Europejskiej uznanie jest cenne, zachowanie i celebrowanie potrzebne. Jesteśmy także adwokatami czystego powietrza gdyż opowiadamy się przeciwko paleniu w domach śmieciami i zwracamy uwagę mieszkańców na wiszący nad miastem smog, poprzez organizację spotkań i propagując czyste środowisko dla przyszłego jutra.
Podhale (literally "under the Mountain meadows") is Poland's southernmost region, sometimes referred to as the "Polish highlands". The Podhale is located in the foothills of the Tatra range of the Carpathian mountains. (My parents hometown.)
Animale - just means animals, a play on Polish/English.
The Podhale Animale Pop Up Gallery in Heart of Nowy Targ, Poland:

Current concrete/marble cast series traveling with "Tatra Mountain Resorts" in Slovakia.

Purpose: "To engage children and adults in Highland culture, nature and heritage through magical interactive art and education, inspiring and motivating environmental awareness, and responsibility."

This project is designed to inspire and motivate people of all ages to hike the local Gorce and Tatry mountain trails, and get in touch with regional folklore, culture and animal kingdom. Nowy Targ, Poland, population 34, 000, rests at the base of the Turbacz mountian, which has a National Park shelter/lodge at the top, 4,314 feet - which we have approved for permanent installation!
After a family trip last summer, 3 generations hiking Turbacz ages 2-70, hearing the legends of the Gorale (Highlanders) and delighting in the views, flora and fauna, it became important to me to commemorate my roots, culture, family and to point out the beauty of the region to others by sculpting 35 animals of enchanting Southern Poland.
This life long idea came to fruition by support of my family, friends and by my collaboration with Polish artists and supporters, Michal Batkiewicz, Tomek Gola, Jacek Sowa, Gabriel Szyrszen, Wojciech Wiechec, Agnieszka Rokicka, Sylvia Szyrszen, Kasia Grochowska, Robert Szczachor, Professor Jerzy Stuhr (to name a few) . The project bloomed quickly and the public adores it, especially the children. I've had plenty of media coverage, national and local support - having exhibited at the Cultral Center in Nowy Targ, and successfully opening a Pop-Up Gallery in the main town square of the city!
It will mean the world to me to see this through, and leave this legacy for my family, the youth of today, and the future generations, as Poland is a part of the European Union, recognition of culture is valuable -preservation and celebration needed, not to lose the essence of the people.
Born in America to a richly involved and creative Polish family and community, I grew up with passion and understanding for my heritage, which provided an aesthetic and quality to life that was remarkably recognizable. Culture and art are influences for mankind that provide imagination, motivation and inspiration for better quality production, joy and appreciation of life and living. Without it in our lives, we would have less joy, less awareness, less future. After conquering several misfortunes in my life, having three unsuccessful pregnancies, the decision finally arrived to create something that would last at life time, some way to leave my mark, and here it is! Podhale Animale, conceived in Seattle, born in Nowy Targ to carry on the magnificent spirit and legacy that has always been my foundation.
Majoring in Sculpture and Painting at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, the beginnings of this project were formed. The missing link was the necessity and inspiration - find a need, fill a need. Poland needs this - the Goral Culture it is truly a most vibrantly important entity to the nation, the people and to Europe. Culture and folklore must hold steadfast, otherwise Ikea will rule with perfectly identical mass produced affordable units of art manufactured in China in every town and we'll all be too numb and unispired to notice. Poland has come a long way since past oppression, but individuals and visionaires must still blossom, arise and cause rise to build more future, inspire in turn brighter ideas and bring opportunity and awareness back to the people. Podhale Animale in bronze is not "just a cool way to decorate the top of mountain," it is a symbol that is neutral to the past, present and future. All of the monuments and sculptures are mainly religious or war affiliated. It is time to uplift and honor the aesthetics of the region, and get people looking up and out at the world, the environment, and think in long term survival for future generations, from cultural pride to environmental awareness. The region has a slight vail of "who cares" attitude that was injected by communism, where able people were punished, visionaires killed, this dulled the conceptual understanding of future, on an individual basis as well as environmentally. Resulting with the fact that Poland's cities make up 33 of the 50 most polluted cities in Europe! [Euronews]
Podhale Animale is a tool to educate all that we are connected to all life, plants and animals, and that our decisions matter not only for our survival but all life.

Advocating against smog and trash burning, environmental awareness and hosting lectures, linking with government, organizations, & groups that make a better tomorrow.

Podhale Animale would be truly impacted and honored to receive the support and help to bring this to fruition!

Every donation will receive a personalized thank you card from our team, and each level of donation will receive a concrete cast animal sculpture from the series! Please wave your magic wand at us and bless us with your support, share this with anyone that has a Polish relative, loves animals, culture or art. We thank you deer-ly!
Your impact:
The funds raised will be used for material cost of molds, wax, bronze, labor, book making & printing, technical/computer services for the interactive Podhale Animale App. I am back in Poland creating the final half of the collection, lining up the bronze casting for late Spring installation, ready for the blossoming trail season! Our deadline is November 2018! Please donate now, even $5 will make a difference.
Bronze casting has begun at the ART-STUDIO RZEŻBA ODLEWNICTWO - Michal Batkiewicz in Krakow. With Kasia and Gabi making the molds with help of the studio team and gracious donation of studio use and materials of Mr Batkiewicz, monumental public art installation artist, whom roots are also in the Podhale.
Because I will be an artist in residence during the casting, assisting in the process, this truly is a chance in a lifetime and opportunity that can't be passed up! With the money so far I have successfully installed 7 of the 35 animals.

The general prices of the bronze castings:
Red Fox with a traditional Highlander brooch
3500zł - $1000usd
Eurasian Squirrel w/Highlander sheepskin vest
1500zł - $430usd
Common Frog in Highlander pants
1000zł - $285usd
Wild Boar in Highlander Moccassins
4200zł - $1200usd
Deer with Highlander beaded necklace
4600zł - $1300usd
Brown Trout with Highlander details
1000zł - $285usd
Edible Dormouse with Highlander braids
1200zł - $345usd
Stoat in Highlander leather slippers
1000zł - $285usd
Eurasian Lynx in Highlander shirt
3800zł - $1,085usd
Eurasian Eagle-Owl with Highlander cape
3200zł - $915usd
Western Capercaillie Grouse w/sheperd's axe
4700zł - $1345usd
European Wolf in Highlander sheepskin vest
5200zł - $1485usd
European Zigzag Viper w/Highlander details
1000zł - $285usd
Raven with Highlander hat pin
2400zł - $685usd
Alpine Marmot with Highlander Belt
2800zł - $800usd
Wild Hedgehog with Highlander Hat
1500zł - $428usd
European Hare with Highlander Bandit Hat
3800zł - $1085usd
Brown Bear playing Highlander gusle (fiddle)
9000zł - $2570usd
Price for bronze casting 17 (of 35 animals) 71,000zł -$20,313
Sculptures will be installed at the top of the Turbacz mountain - within and around the property of the lodge/shelter, on large log pedestals, with metal informative plaques:
Price for 20 logs: 3500zł - $1000usd
Price for Information Plaques with 'Reklama Fabryka' printing company of Nowy Targ:
510zł - $145usd
(Transporation and installation assisted by locals - video of installation below!)
75,250zł - $21,500
-Illustration and Design: $1000
Our book will contain many stunning illustrations traditionally acurate.
-Research and Writing: $1500
Research and writing will be assited for folklore accuracy.
-Editing: $500
We will have the book professionally edited.
-Printing and Production: $2500
This will cover the cost of our initial print run with enough copies to sell at bookstores in Podhale Region.
-Marketing: $1500
This includes the crowdfunding fee, fiscal sponsorship, isbn #, copyright fee, flyers etc.
24,000zł - $7000
After several meetings and proposals in pencil skirts, March is now scheduled out for the creation of our App! We are working with a local Podhale region company that makes innovative apps and games.
An Interactive - Augmented Reality Game
Real geographical locations become a part of Podhale Animale dream world involving elements of legends, animals participating in landmarks, with sponsors, historically accurate events in special places, information about legends at these locations - in city as well as along the trails leading to the Turbacz - (with expansion capability throughout Podhale), interact and learn facts about the animal and the environment, purchasing items further to feed the animals, local items wild blueberries, strawberries, mushrooms, oscypek, kielbasa, make fire to stay warm, game using chupaga, horses, milking sheep. They cross into reality too - take a picture with the animal, check-in points merit rewards at trail ends!

This company is now a partner and has the knowledge and experience with EU Funding!

COST FOR PODHALE ANIMALE APP: 20,000zł - $5715 one time fee for EU Grant Writing
-professional grant writer whom has never failed to be awarded the funds! We are going to take this route.
For your information:
The Podhale Animale App Project Total is 189,000zł - $54,000 - We are going to find creative ways, sponsors and partnerships to cover these costs pre EU funding. With EU Funding, we will have the costs covered, reimbursed to investors. But for now, we need to generate the 20,000zł ($5,715) to get the ball rolling.
-Total monthlyproduction team cost 27,000zł - $7,715
-First three months for soft release of app: 94,500zł - $27,000
-Six months production to release final product: 189,00zł - $54,000
(2 developers, creative designers 7,000zł monthly per person - 14000zł - $4,000
1 animator 5,000zł - $1500
1 graphic designer 5,000zł - $1500
1 tech assistant, programmer 3,000zł - $850)
All three projects combined = 120,000zł - $34,215
How else you can help?
We need local sponsors and involvement, as the game will include monuments, sites and products.
If you, or if you know of any major companies that would like to be put on the Podhale Animale App Map, in advertising, or have their property be a site to visit for the game, we have an offer to present.
Podhale Animale Rzezba Projekt
Projekt Rzeźb
Celem naszej obecnej kampanii jest zebranie funduszy na projekt w zakres którego będzie wchodziło odlanie w brązie kompletu składającego się z 35 regionalnych zwierząt, druku książeczki dla dzieci oraz edukacyjno-interaktywnej aplikacji. Rzeżby w brązie będą na stałe zainstalowanego w miejscu publicznym. „Zaangażować dzieci młodsze i starsze w poznawanie podhalańskiej natury, kultury i dziedzictwa poprzez magiczną, interaktywną sztukę i edukację” – to nasz cel. Obecnie rzeżby są odlewane w cemencie. Podhale Animale, książeczka dla dzieci, jest ilustrowana przez Sylwię Szyrszeń, która jest świtenym grafikiem.
Projekt nasz został zainspirowany i zaprojektowany z myślą aby motywować ludzi w każdym wieku do wejścia na szlaki wędrowne w Gorcach i Tatrach, do poznania regionalnego folkloru, kultury i lokalnej fauny. Stolica Podhala, Nowy Targ, ok. 34,000 mieszkanców, leży u podnóża Turbacza na którego szczycie, na wysokości 1,100 m znajduje się piękne schronisko Parku Narodowego – tam mamy pozwolenie na instalację naszego projektu.
Zebrane fundusze będą użyte na zakup materiałów potrzebnych do zrobienia form, na wosk i brąz dla rzeżb, na druk książeczki oraz na opłacenie techniczno-komputerowej usługi. Kasia będzie w Polsce już w lutym aby zająć się drugą połową projektu i finałową fazą zdążającą do odlewów w brązie, aby wszystko było gotowe gdy rozkwitną wiosennie łąki i hale, gdy rozwiną się młode liście na drzewach przy szlakach. Termin ostateczny to kwiecień/maj.
Podczas wakacji w lecie 2017 roku, gdy trzy generacje naszej rodziny wspięły się na Turbacz (wiek 2-70 lat), słuchając opowieści o góralach, podziwiając widoki, florę i faunę, Kasia zdała sobie sprawę z tego jak ważne jest utrwalenie korzeni, kultury, rodziny i podkreślenie ważności tego regionu dla innych. Powstał pomysł aby zrobić to poprzez utrwalenie w rzeźbie 35 zwierząt żyjących w lokalnych lasach i górach i przybrać je w akcenty strojów regionalnych.
Projekt rozkwitł szybko i szczególnie dzieci i młodzież podeszły do niego z wielkim entuzjazmem. Wspaniały i przyjęty dużą frekwencją wernisaż w Domu Kultury w Nowym Targu oraz otwarcie pop-up galerii w centrum miasta zapewniło zasięg w mediach oraz dużo lokalnego i ogólnokrajowego poparcia.
Na pewno już wiadomo jak ważny jest ten projekt dla mnie, Kasi, jak ważne jest dojście do postanowionego celu, aby zostawić spuściznę dla mojej rodziny, dzieci i młodzieży dziś i w przyszłości. Dla Polski wchodzącej w skład Unii Europejskiej uznanie jest cenne, zachowanie i celebrowanie potrzebne. Jesteśmy także adwokatami czystego powietrza gdyż opowiadamy się przeciwko paleniu w domach śmieciami i zwracamy uwagę mieszkańców na wiszący nad miastem smog, poprzez organizację spotkań i propagując czyste środowisko dla przyszłego jutra.
Kasia Pawluskiewicz
Bellevue, WA