Preserve Petition on the Nov Ballot
Donation protected
We have just successfully completed another step in the quest to allow Scottsdale Citizens to control development in our Preserve. On July 2, over 37,000 signatures were presented to Carolyn Jagger, Scottsdale City Clerk. We needed just under 24,000 valid signatures to get our voter initiative on citizen control of construction in the Preserve on the November Ballot. We exceeded our goal by 6000 signatures. It is now prop 420. Big thanks to all the volunteer circulators who collected over 80% of those signatures, to our paid circulators (mostly college students) who helped us bridge the gap, and you our generous donors. We all need to step up again to push this over the finish line. Encourage friends and family to vote "YES" on prop 420 in November. Volunteer to pass out flyers or go door to door. Donate yet again to cover some of these expenses. Go to our website and sign in for updates. Together we will pass prop 420 and have the power to determine future development in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve.
Our Money, Our Preserve, Our Vote
Saving Our Preserve
Our fundraiser with Mark and Crystal Hansen was a huge success. Big thanks to all those who attended and gave generously.
SPECIAL THANKS GOES OUT TO MARK AND CRYSTAL HANSEN for making the POP PAC fundraising event such an incredible SUCCESS! They wanted to actively DO something to help get a “vote for the people”, before the Desert Edge bulldozes its way into the Preserve, scraping several acres, and forever changing the nature of, and modus operandi for our pristine Preserve! Total donations for the event were over $33,000! All contributions will go towards making the POP PAC’s Citizen’s Initiative a REALITY by the November elections!
Saving Our Preserve
The lawsuit against the City of Scottsdale has been stayed. At a study session on the Desert Edge (formerly the DDC) Scottsdale blinked. City Council decided to wait until the results of the voter initiative that calls for a citizens' vote on any construction projects (except trails and trailheads) in the Preserve are in , and the November elections held. Over 250 dedicated volunteers signed on to gather signatures for this petition effort. We are making hugh strides, but the bar is very high and the need is great. Consider becoming a circulator. Go to www.ProtectOurPreservePAC.com to get the details. If you can't collect signatures, consider a donation.
The PAC is sponsoring a marquee event with keynote speaker MARK VICTOR HANSEN, world renowned coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Topic "Let's Innovately Save the McDowell Mountain Preserve." Free admission.
Windgate Ranch Outdoor Patio
Tuesday March 27 @ 7 PM
(west side of Thompson Pk Pkwy, between Bell Rd and Legacy, opposite Gateway Entrance to the Preserve).
Our matching fund campaign has collected over $68,000 (this includes matching funds) to date. Contributions come from 3 sources - checks direct to Protect Our Preserve (best way no admin fees), PayPal, and GoFundMe. We have until the end of October to collect another $16,000 from you and this will be matched with an additional $16,000 from our generous anonymous donor! $100,000 is a nice number for our legal effort. Go to our website for information on mailing checks and contributing via PayPal.
Betty Janik, Treasurer
The Notice of Claim was filed on May 23, 2017. Protect Our Preserve and NoDDC are plaintiffs in this action. Go to our web page "ProtectOurPreserve.org" to read the text of the Claim. Updates will be posted here and on the "ProtectOurPreserve" facebook page.
Your donations are supporting this effort. Litigation is expensive! Please donate today and ask your friends and their friends to donate. We still have over $13,000 of matchng funds available. Let's save the Preserve from the bulldozers.
An anonymous donor has pledged to match dollar for dollar up to $25,000 in contributions to Protect Our Preserve, Inc. The funds have been earmarked for legal action to stop the construction of the Desert Discovery Center in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve without a vote. The deadline for this offer is July 31, 2017. We need you to donate today!! The combined $50,000 will provide the necessary resources to legally challenge Scottsdale on the DDC issue. This is the quickest way to stop Scottsdale in their tracks before any construction (or destruction) begins in the Preserve.
The "Protect Our Preserve" organization is a group of concerned citizens who banded together to STOP the development of a Disneylike attraction at the McDowell Sonoran Preserve in Scottsdale, Arizona. This preserve is a pristine desert oasis that encompasses over 30,000 acres and miles of hiking trails (all paid for by Scottsdale Citizens ballot initiatives). It is the largest urban preserve in the nation. We are attempting to stop the city council from breaking their promise to us to protect our gem. This effort needs funding to pay for an ad campaign, flyers and public relations efforts. So far, a few volunteers have covered the expenses. We need your donations to expand our efforts to "Protect Our Preserve." Our need is urgent, City Council has already appropriated $ 1.7 million to develop plans for the Desert Discovery Center. Click here to learn more about our struggle.
Our Money, Our Preserve, Our Vote
Saving Our Preserve
Our fundraiser with Mark and Crystal Hansen was a huge success. Big thanks to all those who attended and gave generously.
SPECIAL THANKS GOES OUT TO MARK AND CRYSTAL HANSEN for making the POP PAC fundraising event such an incredible SUCCESS! They wanted to actively DO something to help get a “vote for the people”, before the Desert Edge bulldozes its way into the Preserve, scraping several acres, and forever changing the nature of, and modus operandi for our pristine Preserve! Total donations for the event were over $33,000! All contributions will go towards making the POP PAC’s Citizen’s Initiative a REALITY by the November elections!
Saving Our Preserve
The lawsuit against the City of Scottsdale has been stayed. At a study session on the Desert Edge (formerly the DDC) Scottsdale blinked. City Council decided to wait until the results of the voter initiative that calls for a citizens' vote on any construction projects (except trails and trailheads) in the Preserve are in , and the November elections held. Over 250 dedicated volunteers signed on to gather signatures for this petition effort. We are making hugh strides, but the bar is very high and the need is great. Consider becoming a circulator. Go to www.ProtectOurPreservePAC.com to get the details. If you can't collect signatures, consider a donation.
The PAC is sponsoring a marquee event with keynote speaker MARK VICTOR HANSEN, world renowned coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Topic "Let's Innovately Save the McDowell Mountain Preserve." Free admission.
Windgate Ranch Outdoor Patio
Tuesday March 27 @ 7 PM
(west side of Thompson Pk Pkwy, between Bell Rd and Legacy, opposite Gateway Entrance to the Preserve).
Our matching fund campaign has collected over $68,000 (this includes matching funds) to date. Contributions come from 3 sources - checks direct to Protect Our Preserve (best way no admin fees), PayPal, and GoFundMe. We have until the end of October to collect another $16,000 from you and this will be matched with an additional $16,000 from our generous anonymous donor! $100,000 is a nice number for our legal effort. Go to our website for information on mailing checks and contributing via PayPal.
Betty Janik, Treasurer
The Notice of Claim was filed on May 23, 2017. Protect Our Preserve and NoDDC are plaintiffs in this action. Go to our web page "ProtectOurPreserve.org" to read the text of the Claim. Updates will be posted here and on the "ProtectOurPreserve" facebook page.
Your donations are supporting this effort. Litigation is expensive! Please donate today and ask your friends and their friends to donate. We still have over $13,000 of matchng funds available. Let's save the Preserve from the bulldozers.
An anonymous donor has pledged to match dollar for dollar up to $25,000 in contributions to Protect Our Preserve, Inc. The funds have been earmarked for legal action to stop the construction of the Desert Discovery Center in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve without a vote. The deadline for this offer is July 31, 2017. We need you to donate today!! The combined $50,000 will provide the necessary resources to legally challenge Scottsdale on the DDC issue. This is the quickest way to stop Scottsdale in their tracks before any construction (or destruction) begins in the Preserve.
The "Protect Our Preserve" organization is a group of concerned citizens who banded together to STOP the development of a Disneylike attraction at the McDowell Sonoran Preserve in Scottsdale, Arizona. This preserve is a pristine desert oasis that encompasses over 30,000 acres and miles of hiking trails (all paid for by Scottsdale Citizens ballot initiatives). It is the largest urban preserve in the nation. We are attempting to stop the city council from breaking their promise to us to protect our gem. This effort needs funding to pay for an ad campaign, flyers and public relations efforts. So far, a few volunteers have covered the expenses. We need your donations to expand our efforts to "Protect Our Preserve." Our need is urgent, City Council has already appropriated $ 1.7 million to develop plans for the Desert Discovery Center. Click here to learn more about our struggle.
Betty Janik
Scottsdale, AZ