Rancho 3m crowd funded films
Rancho 3m is a christian orphanage that is dedicated and existing for God's glory. Their Mission is rescuing, caring for, training, and discipling at risk and orphaned children, for the glory of God.
Rancho 3m is located in the desert of Guadalupe, Mexico.
Watch the video we made last year below.
We made the video above on $0 production budget and only had financial aid to get plane tickets down.
We want to do better, and we can with your help.
This fund is to raise money for 3 short films telling stories of the people who call Rancho 3m their home.
With YOUR SUPPORT, we can spread public awareness and get the word out to people on all corners of the world.
1.The first film will take our viewers through a visual journey through Rancho 3m in the point of view of one of the children who lives there.
2.The second film will talk about the importance of the Ranch, what role is plays in it's dangerous enviroment, and how it changes the lives of all those who visit.
3. The third film will tell stories from the staff members at the Ranch, who’s lives changed dramatically after being led to the Ranch.
And additionally as a bonus, we hope to create a photo book with detailed prints of the Ranch for people to keep a little piece of Rancho 3m in their home.
These short films will be planned, recorded, and edited by a small team of experienced creative directors who's main goal is to give justice to the stories to be told.
Our team is in need of $3,000 to cover our production costs such as plane tickets, camera equipment, and money to get the equipment down with us. Additionally to cover editing and other post production costs.
Our team is very optimistic about this project and is willing to put our lives on hold to create this project.
Our team is confident that ,WE, can create something great, together.
Support our project today!
Also, to donate directly to Rancho 3m, click HERE.