Help Fund Our Operation: Rescue Rural America
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Many industries, including Healthcare, are pulling out of Rural America, as grimly reported by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in their recent article, Rural America Is the New 'Inner City' and its follow-up, Hard Times Come to Much of Rural America.
"Consolidation has shut down many rural hospitals, which have struggled from a shortage of patients with employer-sponsored insurance. At least 79 rural hospitals have closed since 2010, according to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Rural residents say irregular care and long drives for treatment left them sicker, a shift made worse by high rates of rural obesity and smoking. "Once you have a cancer diagnosis...your probability of survival is much lower in rural areas," said Gopal K. Singh, a senior federal health agency research analyst who has studied mortality differences."
Enough is enough! Synergy Saturday has a clear and immediate solution, which has a fantastic and far-reaching impact. As others roll out, Synergy Saturday is poised, practiced, prepared, and ready to roll in with its award-winning Experiential Learning, Free Health Screening, and Patient Navigation services with your financial help and support.
Synergy Saturday won the 2019 Minority Support Organization of the Year, and Larry Freeman, its CEO/Founder, won the 2020 Nonprofit Executive of the Year and 2020 Healthcare Heroes Community Outreach of the Year.
Screenings save lives! Health screenings catch diseases, illnesses, or potential causes in the earliest stages when treatment, an all-natural supplement, or a simple lifestyle change has its greatest chance of success. Our participants are empowered by knowing their numbers for the sake of their health and healthy lifestyles. Synergy Saturday encourages its participants to lead healthier, longer, and more productive lives.
Our yearly screening totals:
- 2015 Free Health Screenings Total: 200
- 2016 Free Health Screenings Total: 246
- 2017 Free Health Screenings Total: 583
- 2018 Free Health Screenings Total: 773
- 2019 Free Health Screenings Total: 2,657
- 2020 Free Health Screenings Total: 980 (Down due to COVID-19 shutdown)
- 2021 Free Health Screenings Total: 1,692 (Rebound Year)
- 2022 Free Health Screenings Total: 4,148 (Inflation Year)
Synergy Saturday is the first of its kind. It organizes to re-brand healthcare to make it "cool," engaging, and relevant to today's youth without jeopardizing, minimizing, or omitting practical and traditional standards of quality care to all participants, especially seniors. Synergy Saturday successfully bridges economic, ethnic, generation, and religious gaps to provide world-class quality of truly inclusive and universal care.

Our small health initiative with a "huge heart and bigger idea" needs your support to purchase two types of service or transport vehicles: (1) transportation of chairs, equipment, and tables; and (2) transportation of screeners and screening supplies (non-emergency use only). We need a couple of quality pre-owned, multi-use vehicles for reliable transport of chairs, equipment, and tables to set up our FREE health screenings events. Also needed are refurbished ambulances to take our mobile screening events on the road ... especially to remote and rural locations.
(1) transportation of chairs, equipment, and tables; and

(2) transportation of screeners and screening supplies (non-emergency use only)
Synergy Saturday | Health and Wealth Initiative currently provides FREE health screenings every Saturday at our local River Market venue but hopes to expand to remote and rural locations where people urgently need screenings the most.
Click to view more pictures: Synergy Saturday Albums and Photos.
Due to Synergy Saturday's visibility and its much-needed healthcare outreach in our Capital City of Little Rock, Arkansas, requests for our event are growing from churches, communities, farmers' market venues, health fairs, schools, etc. It is wonderful that our initiative and voluntary service are being sought and requested; however, it is equally painful to know the need exists, but mobility challenges currently hinder our ability to meet the demand effectively. Synergy Saturday is currently the 2019 Minority Support Organization of the Year.
"Few people with a big idea have big money. Few people with big money have a big idea. Need is the seed of common interests that yield uncommon results!"
--- Larry Freeman, Synergy Saturday
People lack proper healthcare, health assessments, medical treatment, and screenings now; consequently, funding is needed. Even the working class of all ages is now faced with more month than money as jobs are forcing people to do more with fewer hours and less pay, which causes budgeting choices between bills, food, medicine, or healthcare regimen. Now, consider the plights of the elderly, non-mobile, special needs, and veterans with a limited budget and/or low-to-no income.
Unfortunately, poor health and poverty go hand in hand; therefore, our health and wealth initiative targets both. Equity stake in the American Dream creates a desire to oppose poor health and live longer for its recipients to enjoy the fruits of their acquisition better. Synergy Saturday is a weekly wellness project and health awareness initiative with FREE health screenings, risk assessments, giveaways, and health education handouts for poor health and poverty alleviation.
Average wellness programs and health awareness initiatives have per-person costs of $100 - $400 per year. Because our free health screenings have a per-person value of $100, it can be said that for every $100 raised, a life is truly saved!
For additional information and yearly screening totals, visit our website: SynergySaturday.com/about-us. We will be extremely grateful for any amount donated.
Anyone anywhere can donate; however, only Arkansas residents who donate are eligible and automatically entered to win one of our Drawing-For-Donations ™ prizes.
We offer a few ways to safely and securely donate: (1) GoFundMe donation; (2) Offline donation (in person at our Synergy Saturday screening events); (3) Facebook donation ; (4) PayPal donation (Synergy Saturday website); or (5) Direct donation (click the icon below). Make the choice that you are most comfortable with.

If you would like to sponsor Synergy Saturday | Health and Wealth Initiative, please click the icon below, visit our Facebook page or visit our website.

We thank you in advance for your awesome contribution and support. Together, let's make Saturday synonymous with Synergistic Healthcare like Sunday is with the National Football League.
A 10 Minute Visit Could Add 10 More Productive Years to Your Life ... Just Like Smoking Cessation.

SYNERGY SATURDAY ... A Collaborative Care Advocacy Affair!
Larry Freeman
Little Rock, AR