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Chilly Pepper (WIN), specializes in critical care for orphan foals and sick and injured babies whose lives are in imminent danger. We rescue all equine, no matter what the ages or breed, and host various other creatures at our rescue. But our specialty are the orphans whose lives are at risk and need our immediate expertise.
The often tiny, (many of them only days old), babies have been run for miles in over 100 degree heat, left in traps with no food or water for up to 48 hours, and then stripped from their families.
Many of these babies have life threatening injuries and immediate care is their only chance to survive.

We are in crisis mode as we need to set up our satellite facility so the trappers can once again drop off the babies who need urgent care.
We need to set up pens, bring in an appropriate building (where we can control the temperature) for a nursery, and we need to do it NOW! Lives are on the line each and every single day we are not set up. The approximate cost for the building is $5,000 with another thousand or so to insulate and prepare it for the babies. This nursery will be the urgent and critical care center. It will take an additional 4 or 5 thousand to purchase & properly set up the panels with a runway, play/exercise area and to make a squeeze chute for babies who are bigger and injured or critically ill.
We saved 150 or more babies, pregnant mares, mares and foals and stallions so far this year before the facility was dismantled. We still have a few panels up there but not what we need to provide safe and proper care. We actually had a total of 70 horses, 60 of them being orphans in extremely poor shape, with many injured, sick or extremely thin, and all of them were wormy.
We need medical supplies, Foal Lac Powder, Foal Lac Pellets, Mare & Foal, alfalfa pellets, etc. etc., and hay to get these kids back on track nutritionally.
We need to get this done asap as babies are coming through the system every day. PLEASE help us set up "Mama Mel's Urgent Care Nursery" (a satellite of Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang) chillypepper.org
asap so we can continue saving these innocent lives.
Every single dollar donated helps save one of these precious lives, and sometimes, when we get a miracle, we can also save some of the mares and stallions as well.

The often tiny, (many of them only days old), babies have been run for miles in over 100 degree heat, left in traps with no food or water for up to 48 hours, and then stripped from their families.
Many of these babies have life threatening injuries and immediate care is their only chance to survive.

We are in crisis mode as we need to set up our satellite facility so the trappers can once again drop off the babies who need urgent care.
We need to set up pens, bring in an appropriate building (where we can control the temperature) for a nursery, and we need to do it NOW! Lives are on the line each and every single day we are not set up. The approximate cost for the building is $5,000 with another thousand or so to insulate and prepare it for the babies. This nursery will be the urgent and critical care center. It will take an additional 4 or 5 thousand to purchase & properly set up the panels with a runway, play/exercise area and to make a squeeze chute for babies who are bigger and injured or critically ill.
We saved 150 or more babies, pregnant mares, mares and foals and stallions so far this year before the facility was dismantled. We still have a few panels up there but not what we need to provide safe and proper care. We actually had a total of 70 horses, 60 of them being orphans in extremely poor shape, with many injured, sick or extremely thin, and all of them were wormy.
We need medical supplies, Foal Lac Powder, Foal Lac Pellets, Mare & Foal, alfalfa pellets, etc. etc., and hay to get these kids back on track nutritionally.
We need to get this done asap as babies are coming through the system every day. PLEASE help us set up "Mama Mel's Urgent Care Nursery" (a satellite of Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang) chillypepper.org
asap so we can continue saving these innocent lives.
Every single dollar donated helps save one of these precious lives, and sometimes, when we get a miracle, we can also save some of the mares and stallions as well.

Lauri Elizabeth Armstrong
Golconda, NV
Wild Horses in Need, Inc.