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We are Nottingham University's Students Action for Refugees Society and comittee.
We arrange weekly English Conversation Classes in partnership with the British Red Cross, where University of Nottingham students volunteer and help asylum seekers improve their English Skills.
As part of STAR Action Week starting on the 20th of February, together as a society we have each set ourselves the challenge of each living off only £5 a day for a whole week!
People who are seeking asylum in the UK are not allowed to work to support themselves. A few can, but only if they have been waiting for more than a year for a decision on their asylum case, and only in jobs where there are skills shortages, such as chemical engineers, experienced orchestral musucians or ballerinas!
Most asylum seekers who would otherwise be desititute are therefore forced to rely on support provided by the state. The level of support they recieve is simply too low for them to meet their basic needs, forcing them to live in extreme poverty. Most recieve just over £5 a day.
By each attempting to live off the same, we are hoping to better understand how challenging this can be, and raise awareness for refugees.
(see below for the challenge specifics)
The money we raise through your sponsorship will go directly towards helping refugees in Nottingham access University education.
For non-native English speakers to attend university here, they must take an IELTs exam to prove their level of English is good enough. These tests cost upwards of £150, and the money we raise will go directly towards funding these tests.
Donating through this gofundme page is simple, fast and secure. Your donation goes directly to our STAR Society where we will work in conjunction with the British Red Cross to enable refugees and asylum seekers to meet the IELTs condition for university places. Please help us reach our target and support us through this challenge!
Thank you!
STAR National Website:
Our STAR Facebook Page:
Our Action Week Event:
What will this involve?
- We can only spend £5 a day.
This will include money spent on:
1. ANY food and drink (we're saying goodbye to our morning Starbucks)
2. Transportation of any kind
3. Other general or amenity based expenses (such as clubbing, cinema tickets, stationery)
(Excluding rent, Wi-Fi, utilities and phone bill)
To make the challenge even harder, as optional extras:
4. We can try to only wear two sets of clothes during the challenge
5. Limit our internet usage (no use of mobile data in particular) excluding use for university work
6. Limit our use of non-essential or luxury products (including make-up, hair products etc)

We arrange weekly English Conversation Classes in partnership with the British Red Cross, where University of Nottingham students volunteer and help asylum seekers improve their English Skills.
As part of STAR Action Week starting on the 20th of February, together as a society we have each set ourselves the challenge of each living off only £5 a day for a whole week!
People who are seeking asylum in the UK are not allowed to work to support themselves. A few can, but only if they have been waiting for more than a year for a decision on their asylum case, and only in jobs where there are skills shortages, such as chemical engineers, experienced orchestral musucians or ballerinas!
Most asylum seekers who would otherwise be desititute are therefore forced to rely on support provided by the state. The level of support they recieve is simply too low for them to meet their basic needs, forcing them to live in extreme poverty. Most recieve just over £5 a day.
By each attempting to live off the same, we are hoping to better understand how challenging this can be, and raise awareness for refugees.
(see below for the challenge specifics)
The money we raise through your sponsorship will go directly towards helping refugees in Nottingham access University education.
For non-native English speakers to attend university here, they must take an IELTs exam to prove their level of English is good enough. These tests cost upwards of £150, and the money we raise will go directly towards funding these tests.
Donating through this gofundme page is simple, fast and secure. Your donation goes directly to our STAR Society where we will work in conjunction with the British Red Cross to enable refugees and asylum seekers to meet the IELTs condition for university places. Please help us reach our target and support us through this challenge!
Thank you!
STAR National Website:
Our STAR Facebook Page:
Our Action Week Event:
What will this involve?
- We can only spend £5 a day.
This will include money spent on:
1. ANY food and drink (we're saying goodbye to our morning Starbucks)
2. Transportation of any kind
3. Other general or amenity based expenses (such as clubbing, cinema tickets, stationery)
(Excluding rent, Wi-Fi, utilities and phone bill)
To make the challenge even harder, as optional extras:
4. We can try to only wear two sets of clothes during the challenge
5. Limit our internet usage (no use of mobile data in particular) excluding use for university work
6. Limit our use of non-essential or luxury products (including make-up, hair products etc)

Chloe Rose