Send Laura to Philadelphia
Hello, my name is Laura Mikytuck and I need your help to attend the Democratic Convention this summer in Philadelphia.
I have been a passionate and dedicated volunteer with the grassroots organization Mid-Missourians for Bernie Sanders since July 2015 where I acted as Director of Communications helping spread awareness of Sanders campagin across Mid-Missouri.
This is a short film I was lucky enough to be apart of on millenials getting involved in politics. It was created by a wonderfully talented Documentary Student from Mizzou, Kellan Hayley Marvin.
I have been highly active in my involvment over the past 10 months, knocking on well over 500 doors across 3 different states, organizing dozens of events, and spreading awareness through social media and the local press. I was recently elected to be a National Delegate for Bernie Sanders representing the Fourth Congressional District in Missouri. With this, I will have the opportunity to attend the Democratic National Convention July 25-28 in Philadelphia this summer.
Since this trip must be self- funded, I will need to raise an estimated amount (based on recomendations from past national delagates) of $3,000 for travel, hotel, and food expenses over the course of the four day trip. Funds must be raised before my departure date on Sunday, July 24.
Mid-Mo for Bernie celebrating on primary night March 17.
I am honored to have the opportunity to be a National Delegate for Bernie Sanders. I look foward to attending the Convention and hope to continue building enthusiasm for getting progressives elected into office well beyond the general election. I hope to continue being a voice for my generation by proving that millenials are not an uninformed and naive bunch, but a generation that is ready and willing to stand up and fight for a democracy that represents the people and a nation that will help leave this planet habitable for future generations to come.
Thank you for your time and effort in helping me make it to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this summer. I truly apprecaite all of your support and each and every one of your gracious donations.
Laura Mikytuck