My One Wish: A Service Dog
Hi, my name is Julie, and I am 29 years old, and this is my Service Dog In Training, Excalibur! I have been diagnosed with Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder since I was 19, and was recently diagnosed as Autistic.
I had been researching and saving for a service dog for 5 years, with the hopes that this could be something that will finally be able to gain me back some independence, prior to bringing my Service Dog candidate puppy home, Feb. 2017.
I had a fundraiser on YouCaring going for the last 3 years to cover the first two years of training. Unfortunately, YouCaring closed up shop before I was able to complete my goal, and I find myself 1.5 years into training, with over half the funds still left to raise. So I'm moving the remainder of my fundraiser here! Primarily, I would like to cover training costs, as my trainer is amazing, and is seriously under-charging me for her services, and I would love to be able to afford to pay her what she deserves.
I have set my fundraiser for $5500, to cover training costs, food, treats, and general vet care for the next year and a half. Knowing my dog as well as I do now, he's going to take a little longer to mature, plus he had a few health setbacks (nothing that will stop him from working) so he's a little behind in his training and will probably take until he's 3 before he's ready to take the Alberta Qualification test (though if he's ready earlier, we'll take it when he's ready!)
The sooner these funds can be raised, the sooner I can breathe easier, and have a little less stress on me!
Please consider making a donation towards his training and care, and if you are unable to make a donation, please share this on all of your social media accounts! Shares can go a long way to reaching people outside my circle. In addition, if you would like to make an offline donation, I will happily accept donations of cash or bottles in person! Message me on facebook to set something up!