Sofie Loftus Needs Your Help
** Small Update***
So we have had to adjust our campaign a bit given some new circumstances that have come up. Ben still needs his surgery in March, but we have another issue with little Miss Sofie. She was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. We are still in the begining stages of getting everything sorted out. Watch the updates section for more info :).
Our little guy has been through a lot in the first weeks of his life. Benjamin was born at 11:04 pm on November 14th, 2016. About an hour after he was born he was taken by ambulance to Primary Children's Hospital and spent 4 days in the NICU and another 3 days in their infant unit.
We are hesitant to share exactly what is wrong with him but he has some GI issues that will require surgery. Initially we were told he would need surgery first thing in the morning. After the surgeon had a chance to look at him they decided he did not need surgery right then but will need to be monitored and he will need surgery in 3-4 months depending on how he is doing.
We have a follow up appointment on December 16th with the colorectal surgery team at Primary's to see his progress and find out when surgery will be.
We are unsure about the cost of his stay at the hospital and what else may come up in the future. We appreciate the prayers and well wishes. Anything donated will go to help cover medical bills and other bills for the family.
Thank you for you support!
Andrew and Chelsey