Sofija's Leukemia Treatment USA
Donation protected
The Micevic family is raising money for their three-year old daughter, Sofija, in order for her to be treated for relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. This is the only available treatment in the world and their source of hope.
The family is entirely reliant on the aid and support of others to make this treatment possible. The treatment consists of two stages, the first costing $270,000 and the second, $500,000 for a bone marrow transplant.
This is the cost of the medical treatment alone.
Sofija is a vibrant and cheerful little girl who has suffered from leukemia on and off since she was 6 months old.
Time is of the essence- and her travel and treatment cannot begin until the funding goal is reached. Please help dear Sofija!
Apel za pomoc: Porodici Micevic iz Banje Luke su potrebna sredstva za lecenje njihove trogodisnje cerke Sofije koja boluje od akutne limfoblastne leukemije. Lecenje ce se obaviti u bolnici Dzons Hopkins (Johns Hopkins) u Baltimoru, SAD. Ovo je jedina institucija koja je u stanju da obezbedi ovu vrstu tretmana.
Porodica je u potpunosti zavisna od donacija kako bi se Sofiji omogucilo lecenje. Ceo proces sastoji se iz dve faze, gde prva kosta 270 000 USD, dok je druga faza transplantacija kostane srzi i kosta 500 000 USD.
Ovo pokriva samo medicinske troskove.
Sofija je zivahna i nasmejana devojcica koja boluje od leukemije od sestog meseca zivota.
Vreme je od krucijalne vaznosti - njen dolazak i lecenje ne mogu da pocnu dok se ne sakupi novac.
Pomozimo Sofiji!
The family is entirely reliant on the aid and support of others to make this treatment possible. The treatment consists of two stages, the first costing $270,000 and the second, $500,000 for a bone marrow transplant.
This is the cost of the medical treatment alone.
Sofija is a vibrant and cheerful little girl who has suffered from leukemia on and off since she was 6 months old.
Time is of the essence- and her travel and treatment cannot begin until the funding goal is reached. Please help dear Sofija!
Apel za pomoc: Porodici Micevic iz Banje Luke su potrebna sredstva za lecenje njihove trogodisnje cerke Sofije koja boluje od akutne limfoblastne leukemije. Lecenje ce se obaviti u bolnici Dzons Hopkins (Johns Hopkins) u Baltimoru, SAD. Ovo je jedina institucija koja je u stanju da obezbedi ovu vrstu tretmana.
Porodica je u potpunosti zavisna od donacija kako bi se Sofiji omogucilo lecenje. Ceo proces sastoji se iz dve faze, gde prva kosta 270 000 USD, dok je druga faza transplantacija kostane srzi i kosta 500 000 USD.
Ovo pokriva samo medicinske troskove.
Sofija je zivahna i nasmejana devojcica koja boluje od leukemije od sestog meseca zivota.
Vreme je od krucijalne vaznosti - njen dolazak i lecenje ne mogu da pocnu dok se ne sakupi novac.
Pomozimo Sofiji!
Slobodan Droca
Baltimore, MD