Sweet Pea & Friends Education Fund
Donation protected

Be a Sweet Pea Book Ambassador!
We've created a special fund for "Author Visits & Books for Schools & Libraries. " within the Sweet Pea & Friends Education Fund.
We are asked to visit elementary schools and public libraries on a regular basis -in person and virtually (through our Facetime and Skype "Meet the Author Program.")
We read the Sweet Pea & Friends books, do creative writing and art projects, share the "real-life" animal character videos and answer lots of questions! The children even get to meet "Farmers John and Jennifer" and Laddie & Maisie the sheepdogs!
We're raising funds to be able to visit as many schools and libraries as possible and leave them with a set of the books to enjoy for years to come.
This goal of $5,000 will allow us to reach in person over 1,000 children. We will also be able to leave them with a full set of our books, calendars and "Sweet Pea Reads" posters for their school or public library.
We'll share the stories of the young lives you have enriched with your donation on Facebook and Instagram.
Will you be a Sweet Pea Ambassador and help bring the joy of Sweet Pea & Friends to Elementary Schools and Public Libraries?
Thank you for your donation and enjoy your Rewards that lets you direct where the books go!
In Gratitude~ John and Jennifer
P.S. Would you like to request an in-person or virtual visit to your school or public library? Please contact us.
Visit us at www.sweetpeafriends.com
*Note: The "Tip" for Go Fund Me is optional. Simply choose "other" to adjust to $0 or an amount you want.
John Churchman
Essex, VT