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Funding for Evangelism in Nepal

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This is a Long Term Fundraiser for Pastor Chetraj (Raj) Joshi of ABC Church in Nepal.   Any donations are welcome!  $1., __ $5, __$10, __ $20,  $30. ___ or more.  Please follow our updates.

There is great need in Nepal and very fertile ground for evangelism and teaching people seeking  Bible knowledge. Most do not have electricity or access to the internet. __ SOME BASIC NEEDS: Teaching Tools, Bible Scripts in Nepali Language, More Talking Solar Bibles, Church  and Mission Group Trip Supplies, and much more. ____ Plans are to expand and plant an approved Central Church where people from various villages can come to worship and learn.

Pastor Raj  is training and ministering to 20 young Evangelist Students that are preparing for a life of service. There is no electricity in their mountain church and they make many trips to the upper mountains to pray.

OTHER FINANCIAL NEED:  Long term plans and details are "confidential" because of the area, but the main financial need is $50 per month for each of his 17-20 Evangelism Students to start their small church groups in different rural areas and mountains of Nepal - as allowed - until they can raise funds on their own.  $3,000 would give funds for 20 Pastors for 3 months each. (I personally have his vision plan but cannot share openly.) -- Prayers help too!

We just completed a Campaign for Solar Talking Bibles May 17, 2017.   Thank You to all that Donated, Shared, Liked and Prayed. We raised $321  (before the $22 funding fees taken out) plus One Talking Solar Bible ($75 Value) was donated by the non-profit organization.  and is being hand carried to Nepal by a Mission Group to arrive June 17th because shipping in not realistic. __Pastor Raj has found a source for the same Solar Talking Bible in India for a lot less: $25 vs $75 so we don't have to find someone to hand carry.    We have sent a cashier's check for $300 for Pastor Raj  through a Church  that knows him ('Beauregard Worship Center' in Louisiana ) who will be wiring the funds to him including their 'Bicycles for Pastor's' Fundraiser.

Please scroll down to learn more about Pastor Raj, his Vision and Tesimony on how he became a Christian.  He's only 31 but has done much for the Lord and is a very Godly man.  Here is a link to his Facebook Page also:

ABC Church up in the mountains of Farwest Nepal - @ 12 miles from Katmandu, the capital. No electricity there.  Most do not read.  

Pastor Raj teaching inside ABC Church inside ABC Church up in the mountains of Farwest Nepal.

He teaches the Bible verbally to several people that do not have a Bible in their Nepali language. Most cannot read either.

People know him, so he is protected, but he has to be very careful as Evangelism outside the Church is not allowed. He helps other Pastors too.

For Pstor Chetraj (Raj) Joshi , Senior Pastor of ABC Church in Farwest (close to Kathmandu), Nepal who is a Friend and Godly man.  His wife Urmila is a School Teacher. 

They are well know by the local villagers as they provide charity.  Also, a small Church in the USA has helped him with Bicycles for Pastors and other needs in the past so they know him too. They are sharing this GoFundMe site too, but this is really my personal responsibility and rely on my contacts and shares.

Picture of Pstor Raj, Wife Urmila, and Daugher Shushan.  (Urmila is also expecting another  baby soon.)


Three Accepting Christ

One more Soul being saved.

Plans for establishing more churches in Nepal:

"We are praying for 2000 souls by 2024. Its our vision so we are preparing twenty students.  I wish to support their basic need when they go to establish church.  I want to support them a short time so they can win souls and be reliable by their own church in future."



Donations of education supplies that just came in - only from the result of prayer!

Pstor Raj teaches the Bible verbally to several people that do not have a Bible in their Nepali language. Most cannot read either

People know him, so he is protected, but he has to be very careful as Evangelism outside the Church is not allowed.   He helps other Pastors too. 

He has a youth group that goes with him to the mountains to pray in the evenings. It's so important for Christians to spread the word of the Bible while there is still time (Many are under persecution in their village)

Pastor Raj on Nepal Mountain Trip with his Youth Group...saving souls. 

May 23, 2017 - Goint to the Mountains to spread the Gospel - 12 mile walk by foot with youth group.

Evangelism in the mountain villages.  

Picture of the Solar Powered & Crank Talking Bible in Nepali Language for those with no electricity and who can't read. 

Description of The Solar Talking Bible:  It is called The Proclaimer and has The New Testament in Napali Language. The Solar Powered Talking Bible weighs 3 pounds and size is 10" x 5" x 3".  It can be charged by regular plug if there is electricity available.  However, with no electricity, the Solar Panel can be used to charge by the sun.  There is a hand crank for darker days with not enough sun.  Loud enough for a room of 300. He can share w

______________________NEPAL 2017______________________


I just contacted about 15 Christian Outreach Groups that have Mission Trips planned to Nepal this year. 

InTouch Ministries with Pastor Charles Stanley has Solar Bibles in Nepali Language and other small tools and will donate for free but we have to find someone to carry.  Shipping is not an option for many reasons.  One other group so far has called me and feels they can some solar bibles  but it won't be until October.  She thinks it should be okay if I send a Letter of Donation with it. Two  other Groups with planned trips to Nepal Nov and Dec.  It's best for me to send Certified Checks  to the USA Church Beauregard Worship Center in Louisiana to Wire to him directly as they keep in constant contact.

I personally feel the calling to help right now, but am low income, retired, and really want to do more but can't help by myself so I started this page.   I'm only able to chip in $50 or so.  I prayed for a few people to reach into their heart to help a little so we can send one Talking Bible as soon as possible and this was successful with $321 raised.  Per GoFundMe rules, we have to take all contributions out in 30 days from start, (which I did on 5/27/17) but then can leave the site up indefinitely as people might decide to contribute in the future.  Their 3rd-Party Administrator takes out a small fee for Processing.  I've had a great experience with support by GoFundMe representatives.   (Please forward this page to people you know that might want to help by small contributions)

He didn't ask for help, but when I was wishing him a Happy Birthday, I saw his Facebook page. The picture of another Pastor being burned alive at a stake really touched me.  I asked him if he had heard of talking Bibles and he had not. I'd like to send him at least 3 in Nepali Language a.s.a.p. but more would be better.  That is how this started.  Now that I've gotten to know him, I want to assist for as long as I can by managing this page.

There is urgency now as we don't know how long we have
. There could be another tragedy in Nepal like happened before.  Souls need to be saved now.

The April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha earthquake) killed nearly 9,000 people and injured nearly 22,000.

Pstor Raj's statement to me:

"We did teach adults to read before 8 years...taught 25 women to write and read fundamental ...and 10 of them had came to Christ. We say it adult class for uneducated.. About 90 days adult class is special training for adults ...we had taken books from a organization...they cannot fully but they can read write their name number and so on...only basics.. So we did it before but now we're focused on children ministry...that's is being very effective for us reach other..."

It's so important for Christians to spread the word of the Bible while there is still time (Many Christians and Pastors are under persecution in nearby villages. Some have be badly injured or killed.)

I asked him how does he keeps from being killed himself?  His answer below:

"It's not problem for us to be publicly pastor... we run our service openly...but if we preach Christ in open area or try to bring people that's against law of nation...
evangelism to restricted.

Here are more than 90% Hindu.. some time they can create trouble .. .I will share a video with u...  We do in totally depend on relationship with people... I and my wife were school wife is still doing so...that's my sources to run my family and other extra children's...I do free tuition classes...that helps me to be a good and social person ...we focus on personal evangelism more occasionally we do open according to situation.. 

Tomorrow we are going to distribute school bag and copies for poor children's that opens us to reach poor people.

My area is not so worse and hard. nor so tough...some time happens ... I have some political friends too...they had helped me once a lot..."

His Goal:  "
So Now I am not satisfied with 400 people saved in Christ... I have vision to prepare 20 pastors and win 2000 souls by 2024... Thank you for hearing God's voice and helping me and my team..."

~His Witness: How He Became a Christian Believer~

From Pastor Raj - In His Own Words:

"Can I share you my personal testimony how I came to Christ? ... I don't like to share my personal things nor I post so much... but I am inspired for you to share... so you may see how God is good around the world.
I was born in Hindu priest family on 1987. My father was Land lord and businessman .. I studied at one of the best school of that time.. While I was 13 my dad died due to blood cancer.. All the business was collapsed.. My mom was uneducated.. Bank controlled our 5 hector land at national highway and home..due to Over draft made for business by dad.. we had to leave that all.
We shifted to our next small land... builded small two rooms mini house.  I crossed school study by helping funds of my elder dad secretly because their other family members wouldn't like me to be supported by him.. My mother couldn't afford my further study so I had to seek some way to earn money to run our family ..Days were hard...Food once a day...two pair of cloths..
At the due time my mom received Christ as Saviour .... But I was against it because I was from Hindu priest family .. Everyone in our community hated Christians. They didn't drink water touched by Christians .. they treat Christians as unholy person.. Once I was so angry with my mom's decision I picked up her bible and threw outside of our home.. it was raining... My mom went outside ...picked up the bible and cleaned it and kept in her metal box. I was burning inside with anger...
As few days passed, a few Christians from that church came to our isolated home.. they were talking to my mom with respect and Love... That was turning point for me ... holy ghost had begun to work inside me.. Every one pressed us, behaved as we were nobody ... that was time when my heart was changing.. I  began to read books of Gospel.. I was reading it as story book of Jesus.. It was just entertaining but God's word was working inside me to create faith. When I fell asleep every night my mom prayed with her hands on me.. God was answering her...
I decided to join church.. It was only a church in our area. Few people knew about Christ and Christianity. A doctor had believed at India and he was running medical at six days and seventh day it was a Church.  I accepted Christ and I was baptized. For a year I went to India. I got job as office boy at a pastors office. I learned much from his personal library.
As I returned, my mom was on bed.. she was suffered from gland and lungs Tuberculosis. I couldn't afford her treatment. We don't have Health insurance as other developed nation has. I took her to government clinic.. But couldn't save her.. She left me alone .. It was most difficult time for me .. she was one whom I love most.  She had taught me to live with hunger and in need. We used to comfort each other with a hope of good days to come. We hoped to eat as we want, wear good cloths according to climate and so on... But she left me alone ... ..but her great and precious gift was with me ... Son of God, Jesus. He was my future.. fortune and father..
After 21, I got married with a orphan lady Urmila...she was blessing for me.. We began church ministry with a single family .. and now in 8 years he gave us grace to win more than 400 souls in Christ.. Five years before he blessed us with lovely baby Shushan... God raised us from zero.. He has change our mourning to joy. He is a faithful father...  I have dedicated me and my family to be fruitful as much as I can.  Also Urmila is now with Child again.  __ God be Glorified!"

This is his message to me when I first asked about his circumstance .

"Thank you for your wish... please pray for us. Everyday persecution for Christians is growing at Nepal by Radical Hindus. On the day of Easter a pastor was shot by a gun. But God saved him. His left arm was injured badly. Day before a church was set on fire. A van and motor bike was totally destroyed and today a USA missionary was attacked by a Hindu person and was stroked by firewood blindly on his body. (Burned at a stake - see photo on his FB timeline.) A month before I too was arrested by villagers and submitted to officer when villagers met us praying in new Christian House.  

I am always encouraged by such action... I hesitate to ask help with other but God speaks in people and that helps me more fruitful and effective in his kingdom.... My father knows me what I need..."

This will benefit many people in Nepal to learn the word of the Bible in their language - especially when many can't read.

In correspondence with him many times, I am convinced this is a sincere Pastor and only trying to follow God's guidance.   Now I've met a small Church, Beauregard Worship Center, Louisiana in the USA that knows him too and has sent him bicycles for Pastors. They keep in constant contact.

 This is a deserving Pastor who really just wants to spread the Word of God throughout Nepal.

It's very seldom that we can make a big difference for such a small contribution.  I hope a few people out there that are Christian and understand this importance of helping to spread the word of God and will join me right away.  We don't know how long we have on this earth.

Cynthia Woodward , Friend


  • Anonymous
    • $35
    • 7 yrs
  • Cynthia Woodward
    • $35 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Cynthia Woodward
    • $6 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Cynthia Woodward
San Diego, CA

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