Donate to Build THE WALL (et al.) Now! #MAGA
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** THIS IS 100% REAL - NOT FAKE **
GOAL: Save American Taxpayers, Start building the U.S./Mexico Border Wall in 2017, paid for by Mexico - AMERICANS WANT THE WALL NOW!! This also provides other much-needed services - please continue reading![**NOTE: Check End of Description Below for More Options**]
President Trump is very intent on building The Wall, but certain things are holding him back from getting started on it, and may be on hold for YEARS as Congress and the EPA mull over how to do it. Additionally, President Trump has suggested that Mexico would “reimburse” taxpayers through a 20% tariff imposed on Mexican imports. Unfortunately, that will raise prices on things Americans love to consume, such as Corona Beer, Avocados, and Tequila, and so we will end up paying for the wall twice -- once at the outset and a second time through the tariff.
To avoid this, I am creating The Wall Fundraiser, so that we can (1) Start building The Wall as early as this year, 2017, possibly in multiple places at once along the 1,954 mile long border; and (2) Use money donated by individuals AROUND THE WORLD to defray the cost so that Americans will not have to pay for The Wall twice, and so Americans won’t be punished with a 20% theft to their wallets any time they want to enjoy a Tequila Sunrise or an Avocado-Chicken wrap. In addition, we import $398,000,000 of coffee from Mexico, and I would personally suffer from an additional OUTRAGEOUS 20% TAX HIKE in coffee!!
There are many differing estimates on how much The Wall would cost, ranging from $12B to $25B and above. I decided on a goal of $14B to get things rolling NOW. If I need to raise more at a later date, I will start another fundraising campaign at that time. Since this fundraiser is open to donations from all over the world, that means Americans won’t be the ones initially bearing the entire brunt of these costs. And hopefully Mexico will appreciate it as well.
The funds raised will be disbursed as follows: One portion will be deposited directly to a fund to be used for the SOLE PURPOSE of paying for The Wall itself. This will ensure the wall will be built SOONER rather than later as it gets bogged down in governmental red tape. The second portion of discretionary funds will be given to a charity or charities of my choice that will help with Mexican education, jobs, and infrastructure, which will give Mexicans less of a desire to cross the border into the U.S. to steal our jobs or use our benefits or raise their families in a safe place, whatever reason it is they come here for, these funds should STOP THEM FROM ILLEGALLY CROSSING OVER BOTH PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. We certainly don’t want their drug dealers or rapists coming here, just as they don’t want our drug dealers and rapists going over there, so it’s a win-win.
I intend for this fundraiser to be open and honest and transparent, just as our President is, and to do what I say I will, just as President Trump is doing. After any overhead & fees are met, 100% OF PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARD THE WALL CAMPAIGN.
WE ARE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, one American at a time, and I will be the first American volunteer to go forth in this TREMENDOUS ENDEAVOR. WIN-WIN!!
Thank you for your donation! NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! We have a long way to go to get there, but I’m confident there are enough PATRIOTIC AMERICANS and others in the world who WANT TO GET THIS DONE IMMEDIATELY. If the the ACLU can raise $24 Million in one weekend over the President’s ONE executive order, then I am confident we can get to our goal of $14 Billion inside a month! We should at least start construction in 2017! Are more Patriots interested in The Wall than in the ACLU? Let's find out!!
To you good people outside the USA who also Love America, please give as your heart desires. I personally appreciate your generosity! My goal is to bring our international allies together in strength for this great cause. When America succeeds, the world wins.
If you don’t wish for your name to appear as a donor to The Wall et al., you may donate anonymously. It may be important for you to be anonymous if you are a secret Trump voter or a passionate American who truly understands what this cause is about. No worries, I won’t snitch! I promise.
* I will post all updates as I get them, with expenses included, and The Wall Fund will be sent monthly and/or as donations are given, as outlined above.
NEW OPTION: If you prefer to send a check, please send it to:
Heidi Brooks
P.O. Box 1283
Littlerock, CA 93543
Please include a note along with your check that says "Mexico Wall" for proper accounting.
A new BUILD THE WALL bank account will be established when donations reach $500 and will have a dedicated name & account number.
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