You might have been a victim of state sponsored terror in The Gambia where security officers using the cover of darkness driving in numberless vehicles kidnapped and subsequently tortured you brutally; If it was not you, it might have been someone you know, or someone you grew up with or your own parents and closed relatives; You might have heard about extreme stories of brutality being visited on innocent Gambian villagers who were rounded up, tortured and forced to drink hallucinating concoctions made of herbs on allegation that they were witches; You might have witnessed a mass exodus of Gambian youths out of the country using dangerous routes to reach Europe because of lack of jobs and hopelessness thanks to the inefficient government in power; You might have seen how your hospitals are now turned into potential death traps where all the experienced and qualified medical personnel have left and where the basic of drugs are not even available; And am sure you’re also aware of how the hustler president in Yahya Jammeh continue to loot Gambia’s public resources through rampant corrupt practices: Now if you care to end these and other bad governance practices in the Gambia, join the UDP in our march to retake our country from the clutches of a brutal, corrupt dictator. You can as well donate us through our Gofundme. Funds donated to this cause will be used to provide supplies, materials, and other items to facilitate civic education and engagement across the nation.
Thank you!!!