Variform Studios
To even begin the process of explaining what variform Studios is and what we beileve in, we would have to give you the definition. Which is (of a group of things) differing from one another in form."variform languages" or (of a single thing or a mass) consisting of a variety of forms or things. "a variform education".
With that being said , our goal for this brand is much more than a graphic design firm or music studio. This will be a mass of art from all different types of forms. If you think about it, all things begin with art. Weather its a cell phone or a building; it all starts with a creative mindset, and who's going to step out the box. From prior experience , we've seen that a lot of companies are scared to step out of the box and create for the art of it ,instead they create with a business restriction of art. Variform Studios breaks all boundaries and boxes, I believe if art is to be used, we use it to the full extent, we point out all the purple elephants in the room and call them how we see it. To restrict someone's creative processes and mold them to think otherwise is to deprive someone of their imagination. We are inspired by our imaginations and that allows us to be creative, and that's where our 3 key words for Variform came from. DREAM. Because dreaming is what motivates us, INSPIRE. Because inspiration starts the the push towards your goals, then CREATE. Because creation is the beginning of greatness.
Every Business starts from somewhere, Help us become one step closer to obtaining our ultimate goal of building our headquarters, so we can have a safe place to be free and welcome others.