A Tired Weary Family in Desperate Need of Miracles
Donation protected

The Introduction
Many of us reading this know Patti as someone who God has used mightily to speak forth His heart. Many of us have seen the words that God has given to her on different prophetic sites and social media. Patti is a person who desires nothing more than to follow after God and obey Him. What most of us don't know is that Patti and her family are in desperate need of some very big miracles right now. Her and her family have been been going through a very difficult time for a while but it has reached a point now where they truly need our help. Currently, they are in need of approximately 6 months worth of expenses because of the current circumstances they are facing. Please take the time to read their story and prayerfully consider blessing them in both financial and prayer support. Also please help by sharing this Gofundme page with others. Thank you!

Their Story
Nobody likes to feel vulnerable, nobody likes to feel ashamed, nobody likes to expose to the public what is going on in their personal lives, but I've come to a place that I have to cry out and ask for help. We are in desperate need. My name is Patti Huson. I'm 67 years old, I now live with my son and his family. We have all had to pull together just to survive. We have brought in my niece and her 3 three small children about a year ago to live with us. She is 37 years old and is battling stage 3 cancer. She has had multiple surgeries and is currently undergoing chemotherapy and there is more surgeries and radiation that is planned in her treatments. We brought her into our home because of her illness she could no longer take care of herself or her children on her own.
My husband of 5 years, left me a year ago for another woman. In doing so, I have been both financially/emotionally devastated and battling this last year to keep my head afloat. I have always been a care giver and never wanted to ask for help, so this is very hard for me. It's hard for me to receive. Right now though, our household is overwhelmed with burden and all of us are suffering, we need so much help. We have reached out to all the cancer places to get assistance and as of yet we've not heard or received any assistance. My niece receives $147 a month that the state gives to buy food. It does not pay for one week of groceries for a family of 4. I get paid minimum amount on social security and I cannot work because I am care-taking for the children and my niece full-time. I was asked a while back to set up a donation page and I said no because of the embarrassment and shame but now we must. I have been praying and seeking the face of the Lord, asking Him to help us. Recently, I called my Aunt who is a pastor and is in missionary work. In tears, I explained our situation to her. She said, "Patti you have been a giver and a caregiver all of your entire life, now it is time for you to ask for help and allow people to give to you." My niece's chemotherapy and radiation and more surgery will last through the summer, and we are not going to make it without help. We are asking for 6 months reserves to help us both get caught up where have fallen behind and also to help sustain us through Tari's treatments/surgeries which will go on through this.

Their Need
There are a total of 4 adults and 6 children. We are renting a house in Riverside, California. The rent in California is very high unfortunately. Both my son and his fiancé work full-time. I am the childcare/caregiver to all 6 children and my niece. Due to her illness and treatment, my niece cannot work. The father of her children is unemployed and currently gives no financial support. I am 67 which allows me to receive $700.00 a month social security. My son and his fiancé both work full time but it does not come close to covering the bills for a house of 10 . We have been using credit cards to stay a float but those now have reached their limits.
Here are our basic monthly expenses to stay a float:
Rent is $2,515.00,
Electric is $159.00
Gas is $97.00
Water is $160.00
Trash is $97.00
Cell phone bills $400.00
Car insurance $300.00
Food monthly for 4 adults, 6 children is $1,200.00 (eating chicken, ground beef, and turkey)
Gas for cars $600.00
Misc. $500.00*
*My nieces 2003 van needs work, her kids need clothes, they are 7, 6 and 4. She would like to enroll her kids in some type of extracurricular things, dance, karate, etc. to help them deal with their stress from living with mommy being sick. I am need of getting glasses fixed as one lens is cracked. I have Medicare but it does not cover eye care so I will need to pay out of pocket.

The Conclusion
Everyone is mentally and emotionally stressed/exhausted from the load we have carried for the past year. It feels a lot longer than that. It has also been very hard having 6 kids and 4 adults in one house. My niece is in one bedroom with all 3 of her kids. I would like to buy them a dresser instead of plastic bins to put all their clothes in. It's been a horrible struggle financially and emotionally since my husband left last December, he took $2500 away from the income and then he left me with all the credit card bills and debt. Shortly after, my niece got cancer and was going to be homeless if we didn't help. We couldn't leave her out on the streets, so of course we brought her in with her 3 kids and right when that happened her children's father quit working so now there's no child support. I know this sounds unbelievable and redundant but this is the truth and we are in a very desperate place right now. Thank you for taking the time to read through our story. I know that there are many other people going though hard times too and it makes me sad to see others struggle. We know what that feels like. Any help that anyone could provide would be so greatly appreciated.
We still have at least 6 months of my nieces treatment left and no foreseeable way out financially. At the end of July will also be the end of our lease at this house and look for something more affordable. Thank you so much and I pray that God blesses and protects you and your families forever. Please keep my niece, Tari in prayer first and foremost for God to heal her and also for children. It really hard for them. Please keep us in your prayers too, we all need them so much right now. Thank you.

Organizer and beneficiary
Casey Toda
San Ramon, CA
Patti Young