Dog attack Victim
This Labor day my small Shiba Inu was on the leash outside in our front yard a family with a pregnant Pit walked by and when Jasper barked at them that pregnant girl attacked. The dog came onto my property because a child was holding the leash. Jasper's leash was a 3 + feet from the sidewalk. I was told she had to be forced to let him go. He has 1 hole in his neck, 5 on his chest and 4 on his leg. Chest muscle had to be sewed together before closing the wounds and a drain tube was left in through the biggest wound. Being a holiday the Vet was closed but thankfully met me at the clinic. He was examined and sewed back together and is not going to be healed for quite some time.... So more Vet bills are coming. I am a single mother and as you can imagine the cost is overwhelming. He is lucky to be alive as he is only 20 lbs (and 12 years old) compared to her huge mass. Your change will quickly add up and help my baby during this painful healing process. Much love and thanks to any kind soul who can donate a few dollars.