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Hi my name is Adam and I am only fourteen. When I was three years old I was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Over the years, I have had extreme difficulty with my condition as there is no cure for Muscular Dystrophy. When I was just six years old, my mother passed away from Brain Cancer. She was just 27 years old. My brother Omar was just one at the time. I still remember it like it was yesterday. We have no mother, and no father. My Grandparents took over as the Guardians for myself and my brother, and they have been doing an amazing job of raising us over the years. They never treated me differently, despite my condition. My Grandparents, did not plan on retiring taking care of two children, especially someone who needs the amount of work that I do. I can not walk. I can not go to the bathroom on my own. I can not do many things on my own. I need help. I need the following things. Please, Please help me.

- Home Rennovation: I can not walk, I need an elevator. We got donated a stair lift, and it was sent back, because it didnt fit in the house. I also can not transfer to the stair lift on my own. My grandparents are too fragile to lift me. I also need an accessible bathroom. Our bathrooms are tiny. I need the walls to be knocked down, so there is a shower I can go into. The bathroom barely fits me going in on my chair, and going into the bathtub is about a 3 hour event. It requires me to be lifted and carried, and I'm not a light kid. I weigh about 100 pounds, and for my grandparents to do this is next to impossible. My Grandmother and Grandfather both have had knee replacements, and my Grandmother can barely walk. The cost with the rennovations and the elevator is approximately $115,000

-Wheelchair Van: I have 2 appointments a week. My grandparents used to be able to lift me in the van, and I could help getting in and out, but I just can't anymore. My whole body hurts. Its horrible pain. My powerwheel chair, can't be lifted into a van it too heavy. The cost on this for my grandparents is about $60, 000 for a van I can wheel into.

-Hospital Bed: If you look at my bed right now, you'd think I'm crazy. I sleep with a mask and all kinds of wires on me. For this I have to be able to sleep upright. My Bed has so many pillows behind my head, just to lift me and it is not comfortable, as the pillows continuously move, and I fall over. The cost for the hospital bed is about $5,000 dollars for a full size bed.

Anything that is donated would be greatly appreciated. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need the help, and I am begging you with everything in my heart, to help my family.

The following are news coverage of my story:






With Love,




  • Syed Rahman
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Adam Abu-Hewaydi
York, ON

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