Adriana's Arm is Broken
(warning, photos of scars below)
Hey guys, if you know me you probably know the deal already: On April 18th, I fell down the stairs outside my apartment and broke my right arm, both the radial and ulnar bones, in a compound fracture
(that’s when the bone goes out of the skin).
And yes, I'm right-handed. A right-handed artist with a broken right arm.
A guy and his dog and two ladies found me screaming on the sidewalk and called an ambulance. I was taken to the emergency room. I was in Harborview hospital for several days, had surgery to set the two broken bones. As you can see, I have some cool metal additions to the inside of my arm now and two really intense scars.
It's been a little over a month now and the bills are starting to roll in. You can see that up there. Ambulance, hospital stay, haven’t gotten the actual surgery and anesthesia bill yet. And that’s not counting all the follow up appointments, medication, occupational therapy, more x-rays, even all the wraps and gauze and things for recovery.
That’s the gist of it, I need help covering this. I really appreciate literally anything you can help with.
Read more if you want more details or feel like being bummed out.
This has affected every single part of my life. I’m in pain literally all the time. The nerve damage means my incisions are hypersensitive, and my fingers are somehow both numb AND hypersensitive, so they hurt if touched. Even my glasses were broken in the fall and I had to get new ones. I lost my credit cards somewhere during the whole thing. I only just in the past week got enough mobility to take a shower properly. I can’t clean my house. You would not believe how much you need two working arms for everything you do.
In addition to the nightmare of falling, I had a really rough time in the hospital so psychologically, I’m a mess. I’m terrified of someone bumping into my arm so crowds, buses, etc. freak me out. I’m cartoonishly scared of staircases. They put my IV in wrong in the ER so I wasn’t getting the pain meds I was supposed to, so everything from X-rays to the surprisingly medieval way you try to reset a bone (tried and failed at this method)
was more painful than it should have been. Oh and a doctor assaulted me the night before surgery while I was trying to sleep in the hallway where they parked my bed so I’ve got all sorts of leftover trauma from that, like not being able to sleep. (I filed a complaint, his name’s Dr. David Cheever, so watch out for that fucking asshole).
I’m really sensitive, I get upset at everything.
"Man, isn't your landlord liable for those garbage stairs? You should make bank!" <- I said before maybe this couldn't be done but I'm looking into it now
“Do you have a malpractice case against that asshole doctor?” Nope, he didn’t hurt me enough.
“Can you draw?” Yes and no. Because of nerve damage I’ve lost some of my precision. Remember how I said my fingers hurt when touched? I need to touch a stylus or pencil to work and I can only stand so much of it. My arm and hand just get fatigued really easily, I have to take a lot of breaks. After a day of work, I’m either in pain from my arm, or in pain from my stomach getting messed up from painkillers, or both. Which means making extra money through freelancing is off the table. I am desperately trying to draw everyday and the extreme limitation is the most frustrating part of this.
“How long will it take for you to get better?” The bone itself will heal after about 2 more months, but recovering my mobility, for the swelling to go down, for moving my arm to not hurt, for nerves to heal, they told me around a year. So I’ve got a really long way to go.