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Help Adylisa in Kidney Transplant

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I'm starting this campaign on behalf Adylisa Seidinov (10) from Kyrgyzstan who needs a repeated kidney transplantation. 

The initial kidney transplant, donated by his grandma in 2015, has been exposed to infection. The child is again going through the debilitating procedure of haemodialysis. His elder brother Adam-Isa is asking for help:

"Doctors said they found an infection in my little brother's kidney, which facilitated the rejection of the transplant. In Kyrgyzstan, there are no effective anti-rejection drugs. We ordered them from Turkey but until they came delivered to Kyrgyzstan it became too late. The doctors said the only way to save Adylisa is a secondary transplantation. Although a repeated surgery for the child can be very risky, he will not last too long on dialysis either. "

The first time Adylisa had kidney failure was when he got seriously ill. He had a severe angina, sinusitis and enuresis. The diseases and their false treatment by the local doctors led to a chronic kidney failure. Their grandmother donated her kidney.

The two brothers have no one else in their family except their grandma. Their mother died in 2010 from cervical cancer when Adylisa was 3. The father made a new family and disappeared without any further contacts to his sons. The elder brother Adam Isa (22) sustains the family.  As a kidney donor he did not fit for his brother: the guy himself has weak kidneys.

The first kidney transplantation surgery was made in Istanbul in 2015. Adylisa was prescribed to avoid frequent contact with people in order to prevent a secondary infection. Despite following all the prescriptions, the infection turned out to be insidious.

Adam-Isa is collecting money to try to save his younger brother.  The donations have been very small and he is afraid it may become too late before collecting the necessary amount of money to cover the surgery and all other related expenses.

About me and why:

Upon reading  about the boy needing urgent financial support in the local news, I decided to initiate the fund-raising. My name is Baktygul Turdubekova. I am originally from Kyrgyzstan but currently living in Berlin, Germany.

I am not related to the family of Adylisa Seidinov and don’t know them personally. However, I feel their situation deeply because I had to go through the similar ordeal when my Mom got sick with breast cancer and we urgently needed money.  There are no proper medical care standards and health insurance system in Kyrgyzstan. People in such situations are left on their own selling all their property and asking for charity donations to travel abroad and receive the necessary treatment. After four years of fighting the disease, I lost my Mom to cancer, just like these two brothers. Back in those years such platforms as GoFundMe were non-existent.

This is my attempt to reach out to you with hope to raise the required funds to save the life of the little Adylisa.

How the funds will be delivered:

Since Kyrgyzstan is not in the list of countries supported by the GoFundMe platform, I will have to deposit the funds raised to my personal bank account in Germany first. After fees, taxes and other expenses charged by GoFundMe and the bank, I will convert the money to USD and transfer the balance to the bank account opened for charity donations under Adylisas name in Kyrgyzstan.

Setting the target:

The treatment with all its related expenses for the transplantation surgery, donor, check-ups and medicines will cost 30,000 USD in Istanbul. Taking into account the additional expenses for:

 A) Adylisa’s family travelling from Kyrgyzstan to Turkey, accommodation, e.t.c.;

B) my transactions related to transferring money, gofundme fees, and the exchange rate conversion fees,

I set the goal to 30,000 EUR, which with the current exchange rate is about 37,000 USD.

To Increase Credibility:

Here is the link to Adam-Isa's Facebook account, where you can see all his recent updates about his fund-raising efforts for Adylisa in Russian and Kyrgyz languages:

Additional updates with documentation on the transactions incurred will be provided here over the GoFundMe platform.

Пожалуйста, помогите собрать необходимые средства, чтобы спасти жизнь маленького Адыл Иса (10 лет):




Пересадка почки, включая операцию и расходы на донора, анализы и лекарства, обойдется в 30 000 долларов США. Учитывая дополнительные расходы на:

А) билеты на перелет, проживание в Турции и т.д.;
Б) расходы на оплату банковских услуг за перевод и конвертацию валюты из Евро в доллары США, а также за услуги платформы,

цель - собрать 30 000 Евро на мой банковский счет в Берлине, по нынешнему валютному курсу это составляет примерно 37 000 долларов США.


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Baktygul Turdubekova
Berlin, Berlin

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