Help Me Reach WorldCon
Hello, internet and all the ships at sea! I am Alexandra Erin , an author, poet, blogger, and humorist. Originally from the midwest and currently a resident of Hagerstown, Maryland, I am trying to get enough money to get to WorldCon this August.
In 2015, in response to the reactionary clique known as the Sad Puppies' attempts to seize control of the Hugo Awards, I wrote a mix of analytical blog posts and satirical pieces (including the celebrated Sad Puppies Review Books), pieces which motivated many to nominate me for the category of Best Fan Writer in the 2016 Hugos.
Well, the Puppies did what they do best, the only thing they can do, really, which is to make a mess of things.
We'll never know how things might have gone if they had been content to let fandom decide the contents of the ballot, but that's okay. I am honored all the same by the consideration so many people have shown me, and I would like more than anything to be able to attend WorldCon this year, to be in the thick of things and meet so many of the people with whom I've now spoken online.
Unfortunately, as a crowdfunded author, I don't have the budget to go to a major literary con on less than a year's notice without seeking additional funding. Hence this GoFundMe campaign, where I am asking money for myself (author Alexandra Erin) to pay for expenses relating to myself and my partner traveling to and attending WorldCon, hosted by Mid America Con II in Kansas City.
To get us to WorldCon will cost around $600 or more for transportation. We can make do for a bit less, if I'm able to purchase the tickets soon. It will cost around another $600 for the hotel, and $420 for our two memberships. There's a little padding in my goal to account for fees, and any additional money raised will be used for food and other incidentals that arise in the trip.
All money you give through this page will go directly to me, where I will use it to pay for these expenses.
I am grateful for any help I receive. Whatever happens in Kansas City, I would dearly love to be there to see it, and to be able to write about it firsthand.
Thank you!