Apex Fire Brigade Fundraiser
Donation protected

Hello Residents and property owners of Apex Ski Resort
Thank you for visiting our gofundme page. It means that you see the value in our volunteer fire department .
We are a group of locals , who volunteer and work together to help protect our assets here on the ski hill.
We provide protection in two ways ;
1) By responding to 911 calls when fires breakout here on the hill and
2) In the summer , we will also respond to any small bush fires that happen to start . ( a few of us live on the hill year-round and can jump on a situation pretty quick.)
Can you imagine what our community would look like if a large fire was to rip through the mountain and level all the beautiful trees.
We are a very small department ,and it takes money to buy and maintain the equipment we have . We are also interested in setting up a response trailer with pumps, hoses, axes, shovels and other forest fire fighting gear
We are grateful for past donations from Apex locals, the Gunbarrel Saloon, RDOS ,APOA and the Marc Tougas Hockey Tourneys , however it's never enough.
Apex residents turned down a referendum twice before , that would have put a fully-funded volunteer fire department on the hill . The problem was the cost to the homeowners. it would have cost us an additional $1200 per year per property ( on average ). That was just too much for us to accept.
So here's our ask..... we don't think it's too much to donate $100 per household . With approx. 550 households on the mountain , we will easily achieve our desired goal.
Your contributions and support is what makes Apex and our community a Great place.
Thank You!
The men and women of the Apex Fire Brigade
Apex Volunteer Fire Rescue
Penticton, BC