Afrikaner Children Squatter Camps
Donation protected
My name is Brandi and I’m from the US. I created this GoFundMe to help my friend Patrick who runs a charity called, Farmers Aid South Africa. His charity provides food, clothing, blankets, clean water and many other living necessities for the minority Afrikaner communities most vulnerable. The forgotten children living in horrible conditions with no running water or electricity. The elderly, some of which have been surviving on cat food until food is delivered by Patrick from FarmersAIDSA. Even with their truck destroyed by hateful people trying to stop any aid from reaching these children in squatter camps, Patrick did not give up or use the little money donated for a vehicle. He now walks miles, even in the rain to provide for these people. A truly selfless person who sacrifices greatly to serve others. While he walks, he is threatened with being burned and skinned alive if he returns. Under constant threat of death and torture. Yet, he continues doing it because for some, FarmersAidSA is their only source of food, clothing, medicine, blankets and many other necessities. I came to know Patrick who runs this small charity in my advocating for and end to the brutal murders of SA Farmers and the brutal torture, and gang raping of women and children, even infants are gang raped, burned alive, boiled alive, and many other things unimaginable. These attackers often brag on public platforms of raping Afrikaner children with the intent to infect them with Aids. I have many examples of proof. The men's eyelids sometimes cut off so they may see what's done to the women and children. They often witness hours of torture of their families and then murdered last.
When I met Patrick, I immediately began speaking in depth with him about everything happening in SA. He told me of the work FarmersAidSA does. Over a period of time, I came to realize this man who gives so much is often suffering his own hardships. Of course he won't mention that to anyone, but I've come to see on my own. One of the ladies that helps FarmersAidSA shared with me that she has witnessed this man give the jacket off his back, and literally the shoes off of his feet to someone in need. This is a small charity but I've never witnessed more dedicated people, selflessly caring only for others and sacrificing so much to make sure the most vulnerable have food and necessities. I decided, I have to do something to try to help them be able to gain funding so they may be able to do this very important work more efficiently and hopefully take some weight off of their own shoulders. This funding would provide food to children, elderly, and families who have lost everything. It would provide clothing and shoes to children who do not own a pair of shoes and who do not know what it's like to have a meal everyday. Yesterday, Patrick mentioned to me that he had delivered food to an 82 yr old woman who had been surviving on cat food. (Not to mention he walks miles to do this with their vehicle destroyed) No human being should be forced to live like that. American money goes so much further to provide for these people due to their $, their rand has been made virtually worthless because of crime, government corruption and the failing economy. This funding is needed urgently and helping this cause will literally save lives. My hopes for this campaign are to raise enough money for Patrick and FarmerAidSA to be able to grow and expand, so they may be able to get these much needed supplies to more children and families, more efficiently and not have to suffer terror and death threats on the journey to provide for people who have nothing. All children should have blankets, shoes, food, and water. No human should be forced to survive on cat food, especially not an elderly person. I speak to and support FarmersAidSA daily. I will be working closely with Patrick to try and get them the help they need to keep doing this amazing work. Thank You. Please donate and share if you are able. Every single dollar counts. I've never created a GoFundMe before. All money donated is sent directly from myself through PayPal to FarmersAidSA. You can find them on Facebook and Twitter. This is the most worthy of causes and it's ran by one of the kindest, selfless and most inspiring men I've ever met in my life. Please, help me in making this happen for all that’s left good and decent in this world.

When I met Patrick, I immediately began speaking in depth with him about everything happening in SA. He told me of the work FarmersAidSA does. Over a period of time, I came to realize this man who gives so much is often suffering his own hardships. Of course he won't mention that to anyone, but I've come to see on my own. One of the ladies that helps FarmersAidSA shared with me that she has witnessed this man give the jacket off his back, and literally the shoes off of his feet to someone in need. This is a small charity but I've never witnessed more dedicated people, selflessly caring only for others and sacrificing so much to make sure the most vulnerable have food and necessities. I decided, I have to do something to try to help them be able to gain funding so they may be able to do this very important work more efficiently and hopefully take some weight off of their own shoulders. This funding would provide food to children, elderly, and families who have lost everything. It would provide clothing and shoes to children who do not own a pair of shoes and who do not know what it's like to have a meal everyday. Yesterday, Patrick mentioned to me that he had delivered food to an 82 yr old woman who had been surviving on cat food. (Not to mention he walks miles to do this with their vehicle destroyed) No human being should be forced to live like that. American money goes so much further to provide for these people due to their $, their rand has been made virtually worthless because of crime, government corruption and the failing economy. This funding is needed urgently and helping this cause will literally save lives. My hopes for this campaign are to raise enough money for Patrick and FarmerAidSA to be able to grow and expand, so they may be able to get these much needed supplies to more children and families, more efficiently and not have to suffer terror and death threats on the journey to provide for people who have nothing. All children should have blankets, shoes, food, and water. No human should be forced to survive on cat food, especially not an elderly person. I speak to and support FarmersAidSA daily. I will be working closely with Patrick to try and get them the help they need to keep doing this amazing work. Thank You. Please donate and share if you are able. Every single dollar counts. I've never created a GoFundMe before. All money donated is sent directly from myself through PayPal to FarmersAidSA. You can find them on Facebook and Twitter. This is the most worthy of causes and it's ran by one of the kindest, selfless and most inspiring men I've ever met in my life. Please, help me in making this happen for all that’s left good and decent in this world.

Fundraising team: Help FarmersAidSA (1)
Brandi Etoile
Etoile, TX
Patrick Fisher
Team member