Aid to NSW Drought Stricken Farmers
I'm Sarah Latham, owner of Latham Cusack Property in Neutral Bay.
My parents live on a small property in Young, and I have extended family that live in Grenfell, Wagga, Walgett and Gooloongong. The support we're seeing for the NSW drought-stricken farming families has been fantastic, but there are families out there that are too proud to put their hand up for support or ask for help - this is where I would like to step in.
It takes a community to do a little, that can make the biggest change.
Over the last few weeks, my various family members have been discreetly asking around and talking to farming families living in the areas mentioned above.
I now have a list of those who are suffering with the drought and not receiving any financial aid. Families whose farms have been worked on for generations and generations. But in these hard times are in desperate need just to survive.
This fundraiser is for these families and we ask that you spare a thought for Aussies on the land doing it tough at the moment. Please donate what you can because every dollar will make a difference - even if it is just a dollar.
100% of all monies received will either go towards gift vouchers for local supermarkets, hardware stores or produce outlets. Those that can do more and have businesses, networks and connections please contact me directly to organise
Thank you so much for your donation.