Ajude o Frilei e sua família!
Donation protected
Queridos amigos, com muita tristeza no coração venho pedir a todos vocês que puderem, ajudar nosso amigo Frilei Bras que foi levado pela imigração hoje dia 8 de Abril de 2018. Frilei está aqui nos Estados Unidos desde 2005, um homem exemplar, casado, pai de 3 filhos lindos e sua esposa esta grávida. Ele é super ativo na Comunidade Católica de Stoughton, pregador da Palavra, locutor da Radio 650 AM, co-fundador e manager do time Juve-Pro Soccer. Quem o conhece, pode atestar sua integridade. O Frilei é o provedor da casa, ele estando preso as contas não param, e agora terão custos de advogados etc... Contamos com a generosidade de todos amigos, conhecidos, ouvintes da Radio, todos que conhecem ou derrepente nem conhecem, mas querem ajudar essa família que agora precisa de nossa ajuda!
Dear friends, with great sadness in my heart, I ask you all to help our friend Frilei Bras who was taken away by immigration on April 8, 2018. Frilei has been here in the United States since 2005, a honorable man, married, father of 3 beautiful children and his wife is expecting. He is very active in the Stoughton Catholic Community, preacher of the Word, broadcaster of 650 AM Radio Station, co-founder and manager of the Juve-Pro Soccer team. Whoever knows him can attest his integrity. Frilei is the main provider of their house. Now, that he is arrested, the bills do not stop, and they will have extra expenses with attorney and fees. We count on the generosity of all friends, acquaintances, listeners of the Radio, all of you who know them, or maybe don't even know but would like to help this family that now needs our help!
Dear friends, with great sadness in my heart, I ask you all to help our friend Frilei Bras who was taken away by immigration on April 8, 2018. Frilei has been here in the United States since 2005, a honorable man, married, father of 3 beautiful children and his wife is expecting. He is very active in the Stoughton Catholic Community, preacher of the Word, broadcaster of 650 AM Radio Station, co-founder and manager of the Juve-Pro Soccer team. Whoever knows him can attest his integrity. Frilei is the main provider of their house. Now, that he is arrested, the bills do not stop, and they will have extra expenses with attorney and fees. We count on the generosity of all friends, acquaintances, listeners of the Radio, all of you who know them, or maybe don't even know but would like to help this family that now needs our help!
Organizer and beneficiary
Karla Otoni
Stoughton, MA
Flavia De Matos