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Alissia's surgery

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Alissia was a stray that came into our family some years ago.  She has been the absolute best "brown dog" (vet's words, as we don't know what breed).  She's also become the mother figure to our cats and the other dogs.  Always loving and incredibly patient!

Within the last six months she has developed a growth on her leg that is growing at an incredible rate.  We've done tests (as yet inconclusive), but the doctors fear it may rupture soon.   They want to operate this week.   We have spent nearly $1500 on biopsy and blood tests thus far, and funds are nearly depleted.

We are asking for your help so we can get this thing off the poor girl's leg,  out of the cone she's now confined to  and back to her normal happy self.

Our appreciation is beyond words.


Paolo Licciardi
Charleston, SC

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