AME Jonatas
Donation protected
[PORTUGUES]: Conheça este bebê lindo chamado Jonatas. Ele foi diagnosticado com uma doença neuromuscular conhecida como AME (atrofia muscular espinhal). Ele tem o tipo 1 (a mais grave). Esse valor absurdo de dinheiro que estamos tentando arecadar será usada para suportar os custos de uma vacina chamada Spiranza, disponível somente aqui nos EUA, uma vez que eles não têm esta vacina disponível no Brasil. Esta vacina custa US $750.000 (Quase R$ 3 milhoes de Reais). Esta família precisa da nossa ajuda para libertar o pequeno Jonatas deste sofrimento. Por favor, ajude com $ 5, $ 10, $ 15, qualquer quantia. Você consegue imaginar se fosse algum familiar seu? O Jojou está lutando diariamente para viver. De todo o meu coração, por favor, doe e ajude a divulgar essa campanha. Juntos vamos fazer isso acontecer! Precisamos da sua ajuda!
[ENGLISH]: Meet this cute baby named Jonatas. He was diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder known as SMA (Spinal muscular atrophy). He has the type 1 (the most severe one). This absurd amount of money we are trying to obtain with this GoFundMe campaing will be used to bear the costs of a vaccine called Spiranza, only available here in U.S. since they don't have this vaccine available in Brazil. This vaccine will cost $750.000 (!!!) This family needs our help to free little Jonatas from this suffering. Please help with $5, $10, $15, any amount. Can you imagine if it was someone close to you? Baby Jojou is fighting for his life everyday. With all my heart I ask you, please donate and help spread the word! Together we will make this happen!
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[ENGLISH]: Meet this cute baby named Jonatas. He was diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder known as SMA (Spinal muscular atrophy). He has the type 1 (the most severe one). This absurd amount of money we are trying to obtain with this GoFundMe campaing will be used to bear the costs of a vaccine called Spiranza, only available here in U.S. since they don't have this vaccine available in Brazil. This vaccine will cost $750.000 (!!!) This family needs our help to free little Jonatas from this suffering. Please help with $5, $10, $15, any amount. Can you imagine if it was someone close to you? Baby Jojou is fighting for his life everyday. With all my heart I ask you, please donate and help spread the word! Together we will make this happen!
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Carine Pearl
Taunton, MA