Camera's to Stop Abandoned Animals
As you are all aware, we have had a problem lately with people abandoning animals at the shelter after hours, but the last two cases of this have been hard on everyone involved. One young cat was left to die, and one was left, sick, soaking wet, and very sick.
It is time to upgrade our security cameras and get them working again in order to put a stop to this. We thank you in advance for your support!!
Anything over our goal will be given to our non profit to help our shelter. Vaccines, medications, beds, and more.
Monday morning we returned to work from over the weekend to find a carrier sitting outside our door. Someone at some point after 1pm yesterday, left it here...
Inside the carrier, was a beautiful, young white cat who had unfortunately passed away. After removing the small cat from the carrier, I noticed that she was injured and covered in maggots... This cat was SICK, and HURT and was left to DIE in the cold, SCARED, and all ALONE.
All you had to do was bring this cat to the vet, tell them is was a stray, and they would have treated her (or him), or at very least, euthanized her humanely, FOR FREE. The right thing to do for this cat, would have been to seek help, not leave it to die in a freezing cold carrier alone.
Leaving a pet here when no one is around is not acceptable, no matter what the situation is. If no one is here, please call the Sheriffs Dept and get in contact with one of us at Animal Control instead, or just wait until we are open. We are willing to help, that is what we are here for. This was NOT how we wanted to start our week!