Donation protected
Hi guys, I have been in the UK for 12 years now and I still haven't managed to get citizenship. I have come to the end of my 6 years discretionary leave and to apply for my citizenship I have to pay £2,300. Right now because of the situation I am in I haven't managed to save any money, I lost my job, I am in debt and I can't even get a job right now to work and save. This is because with my visa expiring in a month, no one will hire me temporarily. I have only 1 month left to gather this money and I am running out of time. The reason why I have left it so late is because I was trying EVERYTHING in power to sort it out, but I have come to the end of the road. I have 1 month before my application has to be in so realistically it would be best to reach my goal in 3 weeks. I am really hoping we manage to reach it! I don't know how I will thank everyone, but even £1 from everyone would be something and I will appreciate it so much!
Rutendo Tichiwangani