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Hi to all the caring compassionate people in the world! My name is rose and we come from a family of modest means!I have had the pleasure to have my neice Breanne Prime in my life for 22 years. She has overcome so many obstacles and is still a pillar of strength! I love her very much and if there is one thing I can do for her is to raise money for her end of life needs and possibly extra for the future of her unborn child. A few years ago she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. The same type of cancer that Terry Fox had! At a young age she was headed into a surgery that she didnt no wether she would wake up with a leg or not!Fortunately the drs. were able to save her leg but her future was uncertain as the cancer had spread to her lungs!She has surpassed her life expectancy as it is but is struggling to meet the financial demands of her condition!She is in palliative care now and we were given an unexpected surprise!She is with child! she fought thru her surgery and fought thru gruelling chemo treatments and wants to fight on for the sake of the child!All we can do is keep our fingers crossed and pray for a miracle!Breanne is the bravest woman ive ever known!friends and family have offered to do a fudraiser for her but it hasnt happened as of yet and she is struggling now! Her biological mom is in an adult care home for brain injuries due to an accident therefore breanne s childhood was very difficult!her tumours in her lungs are now 4 and 5 cms and she still doesnt complain from the terrible pain!she has the will to live and has always dreamed of being a wonderful mother! I no she would be and hope life grants her this one last wish!for my loving neice
Rose Horan Pachota
Langley, BC