Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Buffalo Activist's Relief Fund

Beschermde donatie

March 16th, Mark Wolf and Coyote participated in a non-violent direct action to prevent trucks and trailers from accessing Yellowstone National Park's Capture Facility.  This winter alone Yellowstone has captured and killed more than 1,000 bison.  3,600 bison remain in the wild.  After blocking road access for more than 5 hours, Yellowstone officials created a makeshift road so the trucks and trailers could pass by to pick up the bison.  Eventually Yellowstone Police removed Wolf & Coyote and they were arrested.  Spending five days in jail they met their fates in federal court.  Sentenced to two misdemeanors and $1,936 in restituion Yellowstone as well as court fees Wolf and Coyote are asking for donations from other activists and animal lovers that are opposed to the slaughter and displacement of wildlife.  These men made a sacrifice of their freedom in order to protect wildlife.  Please contribute to their cause today!  

 For more info on the American Bison please visit-


Visit the following links for articles related to this action.






  • Anoniem
    • $10 
    • 5 yrs


Wolfs Wands
West Yellowstone, MT

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