Help Ashley Become A Yoga Instructor
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Hello all! If you've found yourself to this page, then it's probably no surprise to you that I'm passionate about weight loss, exercise, yoga, and all around physical fitness.You may already know my story, but if not, let me give you a brief summary. Almost 4 years ago, I was told by my doctors that if I didn't lose weight that I would soon be diagnosed with diabetes, would have to remain on high blood pressure medication for my entire life, would continue to struggle with asthma, and wouldn't be able to have children. I truly felt like my quality of life was slim to none. I was slowly killing myself and was very quickly losing my entire future. Something inside of me finally WOKE UP. I joined Weight Watchers and over the course of 2 years lost 147 pounds naturally. All by eating right and exercising. I have maintained my weight loss since then. Over the past year and a half, I've become more and more passionate about yoga and fitness in general. So passionate, actually, that I knew during my weight loss that I would eventually want to invest in a career in the fitness/health field. I have two goals: to become a personal trainer and a yoga instructor. Today, I'd like to talk about the latter goal. I'm tired of working a basic 9-5 job that simply "pays the bills". I want a career that fuels my soul, challenges my body, and encourages/betters others. I want to become a yoga instructor to show others the potential their body holds. If someone would have told me 4 years ago that I would one day be physically healthy, I don't know if I would have believe them. We all have the potential to do great things, but not all of us have tapped into that. I want to not only tell, but show and teach others about the greatness they hold inside of themselves. It's my goal to begin a yoga certification program starting September 2017 with the Mindful Vinyasa School of Yoga. This specific program is $3,200 (with the potential of $300 discount if paid 3 months before start date- this would be by June 22nd).If you've been following or supporting me throughout my entire weight loss journey, I simply want to say THANK YOU. Your love and support has seriously carried me through many struggles and hurdles, you wouldn't believe it. Any amount of support is beyond appreciated. If you're not able to donate to my cause, that's okay! I will also be accepting prayers and good vibes for a successful future as a yoga instructor! Prayers for financial favor, physical strength, an open brain, and nothing but great potential in this career field are all very very welcome! If you've made it this far, thank you for your support and your love.
Ashley Lewis
Grand Rapids, MI