Donation protected
Guess what? It was not my intention to set up this Go Fund Me campaign, honestly it wasn't.
Early this year I created a Kick Starter to raise funds to make turn this game from a dream into a reality. Check it out here - Kick Starter
We were SUCCESSFUL in attracting enough PLEDGES from friends, family and supporters but the Kickstarter team was UNSUCCESSFUL in taking the pledges from people's bank accounts due to various reasons so in truth I have not reached my target.
I am here to request £1500 to help design, print, promote and distribute this amazing game.
Hi, my name is Davis J Williams and I am an award winning gangs worker and author from London, England. For the past 20 years, I have been working as a front line worker supporting vulnerable young people by steering them away from knife crime, violence and dysfunction.
The last two years of my life have been a revelation. Putting the pain and trauma of COVID19 aside for a moment, COVID19 taught me a few things, it has taught me the importance of human connection.
During the worldwide lockdown, I created A.S.K Me | The Game to empower humanity & to explore their highest potential. My single intention is to help the world to heal. People around the world are practising social distancing and self-isolation to curb the further spread of coronavirus, millions of people are feeling the psychological effects of a lack of human connection, feelings of loneliness and isolation.
This journey started in October 2021 when I asked a group of young people to participate in one of my workshops. The ages of the students ranged from 14-16 years old, and they all of them had 1 thing in common, their lives were in great danger. The students were victims of gang culture, they were misguided and vulnerable. The Youth Offending Service invited me to engage with them, to help steer them towards great success.
Being an experienced worker I quickly built a strong and honest rapport with the students. We joked, discussed their needs and explored their future. Five weeks of engagement had passed and the relationship was solid, progress was being made and there was a sense of synergy amongst the group. Today I was feeling daring so I decided to introduce the students to a game called Undiluted Expressions (now called A.S.K Me | The Game).
The rules were simple, the teens were given pens and paper. I played some familiar music in the background to generate an ambience. After I presented the reasons behind this task I then gave them their mission;
"Write down some questions that you would like to ask your parents, questions that you are afraid to ask but the answer you are dying to know!
At first, the students were resistant as they said they were not use to asking questions like that but the game-like environment infused them with the courage needed to participate. The room became very tense, as the student's heads were down in their notebooks writing down their questions.
Once the students had written down the questions we got them to place them into a box. Every student was then asked to stand up and take 2 questions each from the box so they can share what was written with the class.
The time came for the students to feedback, and they were very open and real. The range of emotional responses displayed by the youth as they shared their questions and thoughts was unbelievable. There were tears, laughter, disclosures, deep insights and moments of clarity, there was a great sense of release by asking the questions with one boy saying; "It felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders"
Our Kids Join Gangs Because They Do Not Feel That Connection At Home
What motivated me to create A.S.K Me | The Game was the level of connection between the students. They realised that they had more in common with each other. They understood how relationships can decline when questions don't get answered or if they are not heard. The students explained that whilst growing up, they were never allowed to ask questions, no one listened to their worldview so they looked outside of the family home for that deeper connection. They spoke of how other peers welcomed their questions without judgment or persecution. The students also spoke of the negative impact of unanswered questions and the impact on their mental health and well being. During the session debrief, students explained that the game-like approach took away the fear and replaced it with a challenge, a quest, it became fun and daring. It was at this moment that I decided to create this game.
A.S.K Me | The Game contains 169 questions that create space for deeper connections, uncovers hilarious truths and facilitate meaningful relationships during the digital ag
A.S.K stands for
A = Ask me anything, lets create tighter bonds.
S = Seek for that thing....together.
K = Knowledge is power
These cards are perfect for:
- A.S.K Me | The Game is perfect for
- Family gatherings (dinners, brunch, park hangs...)
- Events (Retreats, Networking Events, Conferences...)
- Travel (road trips…)
- Membership Organisations (church groups…)
My name is Davis J Williams, I am an award-winning author of And Along Came a Lion | No Enemy Within | From Boyhood to Manhood, The World's First Activity Journey For Young Boys. I am a Celebrity Vegan Chef creating meals for Sir Lewis Hamilton, Erykah Badu and Les Brown to name a few, a father, friend and CEO of a charity called Manhood Academy Global
Davis Williams