Help Peace & Katy be a voice 4 mums
Donation protected

We love being a voice for Mums and talking to all levels of government about the powerful impact mums in home based businesses can make to the economy, national productivity and employment if they have the right support.
We have been invited to go back to Canberra in November to speak with the Minister for Women's senior adviser, to continue the conversation about how the federal government can support more mums in business,
But we need your help!
All of this travel costs a lot for our small business, especially because we are travelling with 2 toddlers in tow and a babysitter.
So we are asking please if you have ever thought about joining the network or telling your friends about joining now would be a great time, or if you would like to make a donation towards our travel cost we would really appreciate that as well.
So far this year we have travelled to Brisbane and secured $1,000,000 in funding for home based businesses from the Queensland government we have been to Canberra to speak with the Small Business Minister and was able to get a federal report done into the role of mumpreneurs in the economy and also invite him to our annual awards where we were able to showcase the talented St George Banking Group AusMumpreneur Awards finalists and their amazing businesses. We have also been to Adelaide and Sydney to speak with their ministers and the federal assistant minister for Innovation Wyatt Roy spreading the mumpreneur message.

We're starting our 2016 goal planning program on 15 Nov too, so jump onboard now to make 2016 your best year yet.
Join the #ausmumtribe
All donations welcome.
Please help us reach our goal :)
Peace and Katy xx
Katy Garner
Innisfail, QLD