Back To School Orange County
Tax deductible

Our common goal is that no child would be left empty handed. We hope that the support of positive individuals will encourage our Children to live out their hopes and dreams. As a result they would develop into the next generation of business people, home makers, entrepreneurs, and industrial workers of southeast Texas.
The churches and businesses of our communities remain committed to making life better for families needing help. Orange Christian Services, Salvation Army, area schools, Department of Family and Protective Services, churches of all denominations and businesses are coming together to serve all of the children of Orange County by providing school supplies, immunizations, haircuts, (along with socks, underwear and other essential items), books, information about available services, food, and of course fun.
Last year we had the ability to provide 656 bags of supplies, 142 free hair cuts, 70 Vision Screenings, 50 immunizations to 30 students, free children books, Socks & Underwear, backpacks to every child that attended and the ability to connect many families to free services in Orange County. We are praying for this year to be a huge success and our goal will be 1000 packets for 1000 children.
Help us with our goal to provide Orange county students with these much needed supplies and services. The Back to School Orange County Event is scheduled for August 13, 2016 9am-12noon at Lamar State College-Orange Student Center.
Steven Burks
Orange, TX
Orange Christian Services Inc