Donation protected
Kash and Kolbie Gregware were born July 2 2015 at 29 weeks with severe medical issues . Kolbie birth weight 3 lbs 8 oz . He has down syndrome and has to have open heart surgery as soon as his health allows. Kash birth weight 2 lbs 2 oz. Kash has to have spine surgery. Kash is at home now on oxygen because his lungs have not developed fully. Kobie is still in the NICU at The Medical Center in Columbus, GA . Kolbie is still on oxygen and he still has a feeding tube . He is fighting really hard to grow so he go forward with his heart surgery. These babies need help with their journey that has just started, Every dollar donated puts these mircale babies one more step into the long medical journey they will endure throughout their life. SO PLEASE DONATE ... A DOLLAR DONATION WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND IS GREATLY APPRECIATED BY THE FAMILY. GOD BLESS
Organizer and beneficiary
Penny Barrow
Phenix City, AL
Brandy Gregware