Baby girl needs help
Recently we noticed our cat had started losing a lot of weight. We scheduled a vet visit, had some blood work done and got the results.
Something is wrong with her liver and they're not sure what. They would like to run a series of expensive tests that we just don't have the money for. The initial visit already took more than what we could afford. With blood work and a checkup it was $331. The next test they want to run is $350. I estimated for treatments and maybe if there's any left over we can buy her something nice. She deserves to be happy.
She's still pretty skinny and she doesn't seem to be putting on any weight. But she's happy for the most part as cats usually are. Please help us figure out what's wrong. It could be easily treatable.
I was hoping friends, family or even strangers could give a little so we can see what's wrong and make it so baby girl can live a long, fat and happy kitty life. She's waiting for your love.