Baby Primrose Micro preemie
Donation protected
Primrose Ann was born 25 weeks 1 day old on Sunday June 11th at 6:56 pm. Her birth weight was 1 pound 2 ounces. She came by emergency C-section due to her heart rates dropping a lot and lack of amniotic fluid. She had a rough road ahead of her with lots of up and downs. I have serious medical problems that made us unsure we could ever have a baby. Our wonderful Primrose maybe the only baby we can ever have.
We are asking for prayers and donations to help as my husband is missing work to be here. It will help with our living expenses as we live 1 hour from the hospital. Your prayers and donations will help with the care of Primrose’s needs in the future. Being a micro preemie she is likely to have complications in the early years in her life. Please help us to make the best of her situation to be here for her as she grows in NICU and to take care of her needs long after.
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and support as we continue our journey with our sweet baby girl Primrose.

We are asking for prayers and donations to help as my husband is missing work to be here. It will help with our living expenses as we live 1 hour from the hospital. Your prayers and donations will help with the care of Primrose’s needs in the future. Being a micro preemie she is likely to have complications in the early years in her life. Please help us to make the best of her situation to be here for her as she grows in NICU and to take care of her needs long after.
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and support as we continue our journey with our sweet baby girl Primrose.

Lyndon Cochran
Hysham, MT