Barkey Family Super Seven (adoption)
*the goal amount to reflects the Total adoption cost of $50,000 (Hosting + International Adoption + travel to Colombia to finalize) anything above the original $25,000 Goal will go towards getting him here more quickly and setting him up in his new life. Additionally we would like to help his 3 friends get adopted (they are also being adopted locally!! in LA, Orange County & San Diego)... Amanda told me on DAY ONE to dream bigger!!
I set this Campaign up for my sister Amanda and my brother-in-law JoBen to help bring my nephew back home from Colombia! -Rebecca Clark
. This boy ("Junior") has dreamed (for Many Years) of being adopted into a forever family with his very own mom and dad to love him.
It takes a village to see this to the finish line (lawyers, social workers, adoption agencies, foster parents, volunteers, friends, family, etc.). It's a huge undertaking and they would love for YOU to be a part of their support team through prayer and/or financial gifts to help them meet the $50,000 cost. <- yes, you read that correctly..they are trying to fundraise money to help cover some of the cost and they are paying the rest out of pocket!
Please consider sharing the cost of adoption to help support the financial costs of making an international adoption possible for the Barkey family.
Your prayers are really appreciated. Please pray God will be glorified through this journey, and that they will have peace while they wait to be reunited with their Colombian son. The Separation is Painful!!

Amanda asked Judah if the was crying happy tears.. he couldn't talk.
Asher answered for him "mom, of course they are.. how would you feel if you just found out that your Best Friend is going to become your Brother Forever?!!"
Sobbing Tears of Joy
 From Amanda and JoBen- JOBEN: "Hosting our son this summer was an Amazing experience, when he left us to return to Colombia we felt a gaping hole rip open in our family. We have been working so hard to get through the long adoption process as fast as possible.. our agency has told us that we are the fastest family to complete the steps in the past 20 years!! While this is incredibly encouraging it puts a big financial strain on the process because of so little time to put the money together. (Anything donated beyond the adoption needs and immediate costs will be used to assist his friends’ Adoptions) We are desperate to be reunited with our son, thank you so much for Sharing this page and getting the word out there!" (*cost breakdown attached) AMANDA: "We are taking a huge step of Faith, knowing that our God is good, faithful and right on time. Please prayerfully consider helping support us (and most importantly our son) financially. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will work as we take this step of Faith. Your prayers and financial support will be a great blessing to us, as well as Asher, Judah, Mishayla, Jameis and our newest son, the child that God has chosen for us. We are so thankful for YOU! JOY in the journey and many blessings!"