Be a part of Nathen's journey on the Camino!
For several years, walking the Camino de Santiago has been on my "bucket list"... AND, a recent experience reminded me that the only time we have is NOW - !
SO - in honour of my upcoming 60th (WHAT???) birthday - I want to walk the Camino in September and October, and I'd like to carry you in my heart.
Is walking the Camino something that YOU have always wanted to do?
If so, I invite you to be a part of my journey in whatEVER way most speaks to you -
with a donation, a prayer of support, OR...
- a poem or a prayer that you'd like me to to recite for you along the way
- a song that you'd like me to sing for you along the way
- a photo that you'd like me to take for you somewhere along the way,
- a stone that you'd like me to leave for you on the Cruz de Ferro (https://caminoways.com/cruz-de-ferro)
- all of the above, or something else that appeals to you even more than these suggestions.
Your donations will help to pay for my transportation to and from the Camino (plane and train fares) as well as for food and lodging on the Camino itself. I welcome donations from now until my departure date (my birthday, September 7th).
Your support, in whatEVER form that may take, will mean a great deal to me.
I believe that this journey will be powerful and life-changing, andI look forward to sharing my insights with you when I return (and perhaps along the way, via pictures and short videos).
BIG thanks for reading this message, and for whatever support feels right for you to offer.
I'd also greatly appreciate it if you could share this message with your friends and family.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
- Nathen