Bee Divine Hive Temple- Burningman 2019
Donation protected
The Bee Divine Hive Temple is an interactive participatory Temple dedicated to the Divine Feminine. Our aim is to actively engage the imagination of our participants through sacred play. We do this by inviting our female identifying participants to be guided into an ecstatic embodiment of their self-created sacred expression, and creating customized rituals of worship around that expression. We then invite all participants to engage with these representatives of the Divine Feminine, exploring and discovering their own relationship with the Sacred Feminine as witness and worshiper.
Physical Description
The Hive Temple is build in a hexagon. Walls are a basket like Skep weave, woven from fabric and clothes of meaning donated by women, and LED rope lights so the walls glow. Inside is a small hexagon stage with a raised dais, transparent curtains shroud it in mystery. By day, sits a statue of a woman with offerings of incense and honey mead. At night, a gilded throne for participants to sit upon as they embody their Divine Self. The interior is all flowing fabric, ornate altars, and original paintings dedicated to the Divine Feminine. The structure radiates honey light, glowing and buzzing like a beehive. Evoking the soft honey and power of the sacred feminine as embodied by the collective and those who choose to participate.
The gentle thrum of bees draws you in. Inside offers soothing shade, an abundance of artwork and altar pieces, detailed so that you may find your own unique experience. A statue at the center invites you to take a sacrament of honey mead, sprinkling her with playa dust as blessing. Female identifying participants will be guided into creating themselves as a Divine archetype and assisted in designing a ritual of worship around this embodiment. In the evening they will come to be anointed, massaged, and dressed in ritual garb. Then guided into an embodied state through hypnotic tools, theater, shamanism, and their own vital imagination. All citizens are invited to engage with these embodied women through their customized rituals. In addition each sunset and sunrise the Hive will open and close with an Oracle at its core. Participants may gaze into the oracles eyes and ask of her any question, offer any confession, and receive her wisdom.
Our Purpose is to offer female identifying participants a visceral experience of themselves as Divine beings, and to share the potency and power of the Divine Feminine personified with the entire community. We believe there is magic and medicine both for those who undergo this embodiment process, and for those who witness, worship, and receive the transmissions from these sacred representations. Full aliveness is contagious and we believe that what the world needs at this time is people who are fully alive, who courageously claim themselves for all to see, and to witness and be witnessed in this exalted state. This is the gift of celebrating sacred feminine, to remind us that it is our bodies, our earth, and life itself that is sacred. Life is play, magic is made through our own hands, will, and imagination. So let us imagine reality and make it so.
Budget and Funding
We are honored to have received an art grant from the Burning Man organization with the sum of $4,033!! This funding a greatly jumpstarted our project, but we still have a ways to go to being able to bring the Hive Temple to life.
We have created two tiers for our fundraising goals.
Tier 1: Total Budget $11,343 Yet to raise:$7,310
This budget is for our fullest vision of our project and also includes our storage needs so that we can keep this project for further incarnations. This would enable us to bring the full lighting setup that we have envisioned with state of the art wound reactive NanoLeaf panels, and create a luxurious temple with varied artwork.
Tier 2: Total Budget $7,580 Yet to raise: $3,548
This budget is the absolute minimum we would need to bring out project to life at Burning Man this year. It would entail a simplified and basic lighting plan, and a simplified interior design.
View our full budget breakdown for both tiers here:
Artists and Volunteers
This is a multi layered project and there are many ways to take part! If you would like to join our Hive and participate in this interactive sacred art, please check out our volunteer page for detailed descriptions of our roles!
Thank you so much for your incredible support! Please share our campaign and like our Facebook page to stay connected and up to date on our project.
With honeyed gratitude,
The Hive
Co-organizers (3)
Elizabeth Huebner
Marion, MA
Elizabeth Huebner
Elizabeth Sciore-Jones
Team member