Bee Phillips Needs Our Help
Bee Needs Our Help.
Bee is one of the nicest, most positive individuals you'll ever meet. She's always smiling and trying to help & lift others up. Well, I think it's time
to help Bee..... because she needs it.
On September 21st, Bee broke her wrist pretty bad and must have
surgery. The doctors said if she doesn't have surgery, she would only
have about 10% mobility for the rest of her life. The biggest issue is
that Bee didn't have any insurance at the time she broke it, and with the type of surgery she needs, the cost is going to be around $25k.
Bee does not know about this fundraiser and is not someone that
would normally ask for help. I just wanted to try to offset some of this
enormous burden for her.
Sometimes the people who are usually giving so much to others need
help themselves. This is one of those times. Anything you can give
would be so appreciated.She was in a wheel chair because she actually broke her toe at the same time.
See.............always smiling!