Bellair House Fire Recovery Fund
Today on 7/19/21, a fire started in a vacant home and spread to the neighboring homes burning two houses down where residents lost everything in the burn and barely made it out with their lives in West Oakland, California. (https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/fire-crews-battling-3-alarm-blaze-at-building-in-west-oakland/2598234/). Orchid House was one of the homes and we are raising funds for 3 Brown Queer Trans and Nonbinary displaced folks. The fire alarm did not go off even while the house was engulfed in flames, so they are deeply blessed to have made it out alive. She only has a secure space to stay for a week and after that are in need of permanent and affordable housing. Bellair is one of the previous residents and is in urgent need.
Venmo: @Bellair
Bellair is a Brown Trans woman who is a DACA recipient and has worked full-time through this pandemic to financially support her mother, legal fees, health insurance for her transition and hormones, car insurance, rent, gender-affirming clothing to feel safe, and therapy. Bellair is currently unable to work from the shock of the burned fire where she lost her work permit, immigration papers, and DACA card.
Bellair is in immediate need of financial support for her gender-affirming surgery, pay for replacement fees for her immigration paperwork, medical insurance for hormones and transitioning, to secure new housing, internal and external car repairs for her car which was damaged by the fire, and the holistic wellness resources to restart work and start her life from scratch after having worked so hard for years and losing everything. Bellair also needs Trans Woman affirming clothing Bellair needs trans femme shapewear and materials and her shoe size is 10, her dress and pants size is 9, and she wears a medium in shirts, tanks, and underwear.