Block Bronx Bolshevik
There’s a quiet rebellion against socialism in NY-CD14, which Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (#BronxBolshevik) is running to represent.
Block Bronx Bolshevik is a grassroots campaign to raise awareness that Joseph Crowley remains on the ballot on the Working Families Party line, and to encourage Democrats and Republicans in CD-14 to vote for him in the general election.
NY-CD14 is politically moderate and middle class—we're swing voters, not socialists. Crowley is the only viable alternative to socialsim for Democrats and Republicans alike, because the GOP candidate is an underfunded unknown who is destined to go down to defeat. A vote for Anthony Pappas is indirectly a vote for #BronxBolshevik.
We want to raise $3000 to buy Facebook ads that will promote the Block Bronx Bolshevik Facebook Page to increase the numbers of likes, shares and engagements. The Block Bronx Bolshevik Facebook page serves as a watercooler for the residents of CD14 who believe that #BronxBolshevik doesn't belong in Congress, as well as for their friends and allies. There is a lot of interesting (and funny) content on the page.
Closer to Election Day, individual posts on this page about how to vote for Joseph Crowley on the third party line will be promoted.
At the proper time, there will also be media outreach to clue in all the uninformed "teevee pundits" that an anti-socialist rebellion is underway in CD14, and that #BronxBolshevik may not have the election in the bag after all.
Thank you for your help in saving the already over-taxed voters in CD14 from socialism.